… you would have seen me lifting 200 pounds with one arm! Dhanu went to the store of the man who sold us the video …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy meets with Indian Prime Minister …
… services rendered by Kalyan, Ashpriha, Mangal, Joe, Dhanu, Sevananda, Bansidhar, Jose Luis, Kanti, Indu, Jolie, …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy meditating at King’s College …
… sisters from the Missionaries of Charity House. Photo by Dhanu Alaimo From, NYK - 01 REUTERS   …
… Photo by Pulak Viscardi   Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy and runners from the Sri Chinmoy …
… performance When I went into a flute store in Bukittinggi, Dhanu and a few other disciples also came in the store, and … were listening while I was trying out different flutes. Dhanu was supplying me with flutes, and I was trying to see … man said 7,000 and I was a little bit disappointed. Then Dhanu took out 5,000 from his wallet. I could see that the …
… Photos by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy offers the opening meditation at …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy, books in hand, exits Barnes and …
… Photo by Pulak Viscardi   Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy and runners from the Sri Chinmoy …
… performance When I went into a flute store in Bukittinggi, Dhanu and a few other disciples also came in the store, and … were listening while I was trying out different flutes. Dhanu was supplying me with flutes, and I was trying to see … man said 7,000 and I was a little bit disappointed. Then Dhanu took out 5,000 from his wallet. I could see that the …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   The City of Oslo is dedicat­ed as a Sri …
… movement. Number six gave me such satisfaction. I do hope Dhanu’s camera has caught it! This 270 pounds I will do for …
… pounds in each arm. Savyasachi said 230, and Mridanga and Dhanu both said 300. Then Pranika had to come and say 550 …
… lift 2,000 pounds. They all said I would do it today. Dhanu and Achyuta were the only ones who didn’t make any …
… you would have seen me lifting 200 pounds with one arm! Dhanu went to the store of the man who sold us the video …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   The City of Oslo is dedicat­ed as a Sri …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Kamakura by Sri Chinmoy at the Peace Tree …
… pounds in each arm. Savyasachi said 230, and Mridanga and Dhanu both said 300. Then Pranika had to come and say 550 …
… Photo by Dhanu Alaimo   Sri Chinmoy meditating at King’s College …
… sec Strides: 74.5       32. 28 December 1993   Photo: Dhanu Sri Chinmoy Masters Games Apia Park, Apia, Western … Papeete, Tahiti Time: 15.29 sec Strides: 73.5     Photo by Dhanu Alaimo     Sri Chinmoy is competing against two local …
…       More photos... Bhashwar Hart       More photos... Dhanu Alaimo Jowan Gauthier       More photos... Kedar Misani …
…       More photos... Bhashwar Hart       More photos... Dhanu Alaimo Jowan Gauthier       More photos... Kedar Misani …