“On the eve of the New Year, a new consciousness dawns on earth. God once again inspires each human being, each creature, with new hope, new light, new peace and new joy.” — Sri Chinmoy |
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1966
May humanity climb one rung up in the ladder of Divine Growth, and realise in its soul the Sweetness, Joy, Light, and Peace of the Supreme.
May, out of the pure fulness of the heart, the lips of Truth speak and the hands of Truth act in the year 1966.
The New Year — what can it teach us? It can teach us the secret of spiritual self-reliance. It can teach us how we ourselves can be our Masters and Saviours. From the New Year we can learn that God is God only when God is OUR God and not MY God. From the New Year we can learn that Truth is Truth only when Truth is OUR Truth and not MY Truth. At every moment it is we who can make ourselves a blessing to ourselves and the world at large.
May the universal embrace of the New Year flower into a permanent smile of Victory on the Face of the Supreme.
— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy’s first New Year’s Message is published in the December issue of AUM Magazine in 1965.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1967
Your Lord Supreme is crying for you.
Your Lord Supreme is waiting for you in the Sea of Transcendental Consciousness.
Your Lord Supreme is expecting your sure and safe arrival.
It is you who will realise your Lord Supreme in this very life.
It is you who will fulfil your Lord Supreme in this life of yours here on earth.
Yours is the Goal of the ever-transcending Beyond.— Sri Chinmoy
This message for 1967 is first offered to the Aum Centre in San Juan, Puerto Rico and later appeared in Sri Chinmoy’s book, Arise! Awake! Thoughts of a Yogi, published by Frederick Fell in 1972.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1968
A New Year dawns. A New Year, a new aspiration, a new dedication and a new realisation enter into us. Let us enter into the Supreme with a new joy, a new achievement and a new, constantly surrendering attitude. We are always fond of the new. Tomorrow, on New Year’s Day, that new newness will enter into us. What can we expect from tomorrow? We expect that which we do not have right now: freedom from bondage, freedom from limitation, freedom from disease, freedom from death. Our expectation is not enough. In addition to our expectation, we must cultivate deep within us the firm determination that we shall have it, that we are bound to have all these divine qualities.
I always say, “The past is dust.” Once again I repeat, “The past is dust.” Why? The past has not given us what we have been striving for. So the past is of no use. It is the present, and the golden future which enters into the present, which make us feel what we are going to be — nay, what we truly are. We are not children of the past, but children of the glorious future.
There are many things that we want to do, that we want to achieve. But unfortunately we have not been able to achieve them. Why? Because our aspiration is not intense, our determination is not firm, our cry, our inner cry, is not genuine. Yet there is no end to the progress we can make, and each New Year comes and stands in front of us to remind us of that very fact: that there is no end to our progress, both inner progress and outer progress.
How can we transcend ourselves? We can transcend ourselves the moment we feel that self-realisation or the conquest of the self is our birthright, our divine heritage. It is not that somebody has to come and thrust upon us this divine heritage.
We have to leave aside, cast aside, throw aside doubt, one of our greatest enemies. Doubt does not allow us to go one inch forward or one inch backward. When we want to look forward, doubt Says, “No, you are not so good.” And when we want to look back, a kind of subtle doubt again tells us, “No, you cannot be so bad.” Doubt never, never allows us to see the truth, to know where we actually stand. We stand right in front of God. And where are we seated? We are seated in the Lap of the Supreme.
Let us cry. The world needs seekers who will cry like a child for the Mother. We have forgotten how to cry. We know how to talk, how to impose truth on others, how to convince others of what we have acquired or what we have learned. From today on, let us cry from the inmost recesses of our hearts, Him to possess and Him to reveal. Without the Supreme, we do not exist. It is an unpardonable foolishness on our part when we say that we exist without Him. No, we do not exist, we can never exist even for a second without Him. If you really, sincerely, whole-heartedly care for the truth, then my fervent request to you is to go deep within and try to discover your own divinity.
I am here to be your eternal slave. I shall wash the very dust of your feet the moment you feel that you are prepared to cry, cry wholeheartedly for the Supreme.
All of us present here, all the true members of our spiritual family, must, once and for all, cast aside doubt. We must always feel that we are children of the Supreme. We are growing together, we are fulfilling the Supreme together. The Supreme is entering into us to inspire us to dive into the deepest, to fly into the highest, to run towards the farthest.
In the Name of the Supreme, I bless each and every one present here and all those who are in my boat, who need my help, my guidance, my assistance. It is not just for a year but forever, for Eternity. I shall be a loving, dedicated servant, a slave, to all of you who care for the Supreme and for the Supreme alone. If one says or feels that the Supreme is his or hers, then at that very moment that person can rest assured that I am here to be of immediate service to him.
For me there can be no greater joy, no greater pride, than to serve the seekers of truth. And this is my soul’s promise to each of you on the eve of the New Year.
— Sri Chinmoy
This message for 1968 is delivered in person by Sri Chinmoy to the disciples of the Aum Centre in Puerto Rico on December 31, 1967, and is later published in the January issue of AUM Magazine in 1969.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1969
Three hundred and sixty-five opportunities to realise the Supreme, to reveal the Supreme and to fulfil the Supreme.
— Sri Chinmoy
On December 31, 1968, at midnight, all of Sri Chinmoy’s students in their various homes around the world begin the New Year by reading this special message. It is published by Aum Centre, New York, in Sri Chinmoy’s first book in the West, Mediation: Food for the Soul, in 1970. A second edition of the book is published by Harper and Row in 1971.
Sri Chinmoy’s Comments:
Many of you have asked me how to meditate on a sentence or an aphorism. When you study these aphorisms, please read them very slowly and soulfully three times and then concentrate on each individual word. Let us take the first aphorism in Food for the Soul, the aphorism for January first: “Three hundred and sixty-five opportunities to realise the Supreme, to reveal the Supreme and to fulfil the Supreme.”
The word ‘Supreme’ is the main word. Do not try to see the Supreme in a human form or in the form of the sea or a cloud or a star or anything like that. No, do not try to imagine anything; only repeat the word ‘Supreme’ and try to feel the word vibrating in your ear.
Next try to concentrate on the word ‘realise’. You know what Realisation means. It is not just seeing something, it is not a feeling; it is something more tangible. When you realise something, that means you have become one with it. Realisation means oneness; total oneness is realisation.
Then comes the word ‘reveal’. When you have realised something, you have to reveal it, not for name and fame but just because you have become the instrument of the Supreme. When the Supreme makes you realise what He is, when you become one with Him, then you have to reveal Him. What you have inside, you have to show to the world; and what you have inside is the Supreme. After you have revealed Him, He is not only inside you but all around you as well.
First you realise the Supreme, then you reveal Him to the world and finally you have to fulfil Him. How to fulfil Him? This is very complicated because you have to fulfil the Supreme in the way He wants to be fulfilled, not in the way you want Him to be fulfilled. You want to please everybody and you want to be pleased in your own way. But in the case of the Supreme, it is different. The Supreme has to be fulfilled in His own way. When you concentrate on the word ‘fulfil’ you have to pray to the Supreme, “I wish to fulfil You, but please tell me how I can fulfil You the way You want to be fulfilled.”
Then comes the phrase ‘three hundred and sixty-five opportunities’. This means that each day you are getting an opportunity to make your promise or your prayer afresh. Every day you can consider yourself a new, fresh flower ready for dedication. When this day ends, the following day you grow into another flower of absolute dedication.
Food for the Soul was originally entitled Flame-Stars and Flame-Worlds. Now I would like to explain the original title. ‘Flame-stars’ comes from particles of divinity that are entering into each aspiring soul. ‘Flame-worlds’ means that in the message of each meditation you will see a different world. If you soulfully read these aphorisms three or four or six times, I wish to tell you that you will see something more meaningful and more significant than if you just read them once. It is not that you will have different ideas or different thoughts. No, you will see that one truth is being expressed powerfully, more powerfully and most powerfully. So this is how you can concentrate on an aphorism.
Published in Dependence and Assurance
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1970
Whence comes man, whither goes he?
He comes forth from God's Aspiration and journeys into God's Perfection.
— Sri Chinmoy
This message for January 1, 1970, appears for the first time in print in Sri Chinmoy’s 23rd book, God’s Hour, published in 1973.
One difference between this version and a later version published in New Year’s Messages from Sri Chinmoy, 1966-1994, appears in the last sentence, where the word ‘journeys’ is changed to the word ‘enters’. Whether this is a typographical error or an intended editorial change is unclear.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1971
1971 will be the year of divine, supreme, manifestation.
Those who have divine obedience will offer their divine obedience to the Supreme.
Those who have divine love will offer their divine love to the Supreme.
Those who have divine devotion will offer their divine devotion to the Supreme.
Those who have divine surrender will offer their divine surrender to the Supreme.
While offering obedience, love, devotion and surrender, the seeker will manifest these divine qualities on earth.
1971 is the year of divine manifestation.
Those who do not have any of these divine qualities — obedience, love, devotion and surrender — must feel that they are total failures in the spiritual life; absolute failures on the spiritual path. In the outer life they may succeed, the outer success they may achieve but, in God's Eyes, they are zero, they are simply failures.
Those who have only obedience can feel that they are babies. Those who have love can feel that they are grown children. Those who have devotion can feel that they are now at the adolescent stage. And those who have surrender can feel that they are strong, stout, determined youth.
Now in surrender, we always say that unconditional surrender and constant surrender are needed. Unconditionally surrendered and constantly surrendered seekers are the seekers who can sit, who can stay on the top of the tree; and those who have just surrendered or surrendered for a day or two or for a few minutes, they are at the foot of the tree.
Others who have devotion, love and obedience, you can say they are running towards the tree and among them obedience — so called obedience — comes third. First devotion, second love, third obedience. But they are running. They will one day reach the tree, then they will stay at the foot of the tree and become surrendered and then gradually, if it is God's Will, they will become unconditionally and constantly surrendered seekers, devotees.
This is the year of manifestation. For those who have faith in God-Realisation, this is the year for them to expedite their inner seeking. The year of manifestation is for those who want the Supreme for the Supreme; who want the Supreme for His Sake and not for their sake. Again I wish to say, this year of manifestation for our disciples, sincere disciples, will be the year of inner glory in God, in the Supreme's highest and transcendental Pride. For the Supreme needs, as we need, many things. He needs totally, unreservedly, unconditionally and constantly surrendered disciples. It is they who will be the torch-bearers of the Supreme, the Supreme Truth. The Supreme is inwardly crying for these constantly, unconditionally surrendered disciples.
— Sri Chinmoy
On 31 December 1970, Sri Chinmoy holds a New Year’s meditation at his home and offers the message for the year 1971. At midnight he meditates once more with all the disciples for three minutes.
On 13 January 1971, Sri Chinmoy gives a talk about the New Year’s Message to his students at the Sri Chinmoy Centre in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
This message appears for the first time in print in the January 1971 edition of AUM Magazine. A later version, with editorial changes, is published in New Year’s Messages from Sri Chinmoy, 1966-1994.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1972
The New Year is the year of battle between man's inner faith and his outer doubts. Man's sincerity will determine the victory.
The New Year is the year of war between human insecurity and divine confidence. Man's real need of God will determine the victory.
The New Year knows no compromise. Either the divine in us will gain the supreme victory or the animal in us will lord it over us. Needless to say, those who want to be God-Lovers, God-Discoverers and God-Fulfillers will receive from God constant Concern, constant Protection, constant Guidance and constant Assurance.
The New Year is the year of both destruction and perfection. Those who cherish destruction in the depths of their hearts and glorify themselves in it will be embraced and devoured by total destruction. This is the Will of the Transcendental Lord decreed. Those who cry for divine Illumination and Perfection in their inner and outer lives will be inspired, blessed, illumined, perfected and fulfilled by the Lord Supreme's Supreme Perfection.
The Boat of the Supreme is ready.
The Supreme Boatman is ready.
The Golden Shore is ready.The Boatman, with His transcendental Smile, beckons,
"Welcome, O God-Lover!
Welcome, O God-Discoverer!
Welcome, O God-Fulfiller!"— Sri Chinmoy
On 17 December 1971, Sri Chinmoy offered his first New Year’s meditation, and delivered his New Year’s Message, at Columbia University in New York, NY, USA.
This message appears for the first time in print in the January 1972 edition of AUM Magazine. A later version, with slight editorial changes, is published in New Year’s Messages from Sri Chinmoy, 1966-1994.
A few days before the New Year began, Sri Chinmoy gives a general talk about ‘The soul of a year’, in which he describes the qualities of 1971 and 1972.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1973
The New Year is the year of our mind’s inspiration, our heart’s creation and our soul’s manifestation.
Inspiration will march onward to the Source.
Creation will sit at the pinnacle of Enlightenment.
Manifestation will at once prove its Divinity and Immortality.The New Year is the year of Acceptance and Transformation.
The human in us will try to accept the Divine in us unconditionally.
The Divine in us will transform the human in us untiringly and unconditionally.In the New Year, every day will be an opportunity for the God-believer to see the Truth-Light.
In the New Year, every hour will be an opportunity for the God-worshipper to achieve the Truth-Light.
In the New Year, every second will be an opportunity for the God-lover to become the Truth-Light.
— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy’s public New Year’s Meditation is held on the evening of 29 December 1972 in the main auditorium of New York’s Hunter College and is attended by well over two thousand people. The auditorium, which seats around 2,400 is full to capacity half an hour after the meditation begins, with people standing in the lobby and sitting in the aisles.
At the conclusion of the three-hour function, Sri Chinmoy reads out his New Year’s message for 1973. The event is filmed by Channel 13 television.
Sri Chinmoy wrote a special Bengali song for the New Year on 21 Decembe 1972, which is performed by Sri Chinmoy’s Bengali Singers on the evening of 29 December, at Hunter College. The score with the Bengali words and English translation by Sri Chinmoy is displayed below.
New Year’s Song
Nabin Barasha Nabin Barasha
Nabin barasha nabin barasha
Parane enechho asim harasha
Amarar dak prashanti barabhoy
Alo saranir alor jatri
Abachetanar timir ratri
Bilupta aji mora chira akkhoy
Kothai dainya kothai klanti
Dure bahudure manas bhrant
Usha debabala samukhe moder raje
Ananda ghana kagol dipti
Moder akuti moder tripti
Param pitar banshari hridaye baje
New Year, New Year
Into our heart you have brought
Infinite Delight, Peace and Compassion,
And the Call of Heaven.
We are the pilgrims of Light Divine
Marching along the road of Light.
The night of tenebrous gloom and stone-inconscience
Is extinguished today.
We now are growing into the everlasting life.
Where is poverty, inner and outer?
Where is the sense of depletion?
Where are the errors of the mind?
Far, very far are they.
Dawn, the daughter of the gods,
Before us stands.
The Light of Heaven, filled with Nectar,
Is our aspiration-cry and our satisfaction-smile.
The flute of the Absolute Father
Plays in the breath of our heart.
Published in The Garden of Love-Light, part 3, song no. 40
Originally printed in AUM – Vol. 8, No. 6, January 1973
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1974
In 1974 the seekers of the transcendental Truth shall dive deep within and more within and become the perfection-smile of aspiration-power, realisation-love, revelation-oneness and manifestation-light. — Sri Chinmoy
On the evening of December 21, 1973, Sri Chinmoy offered his New Year’s Message for 1974 with an evening programme of meditation and music at Hunter College in New York City to an audience of 1,500 people. Read more…
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1975
The year 1975 will be the year
Of the seeker’s outer success
And inner progress.
With his outer success,
He will love and serve the Supreme Pilot.
With his inner progress,
He will manifest and fulfil the Supreme Pilot.— Sri Chinmoy
New Year’s Meditation:
Sri Chinmoy offered a public meditation to welcome in the New Year. The event was held on Friday, December 27, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. at Hunter College Auditorium, 69th Street and Park Ave. in New York City.
After the meditation, Sri Chinmoy described the inner possibilities and potentialities of 1975.
Each new year, the Master explained afterwards, represents the dawn of a new consciousness on earth. “God once again inspires each human being, each creature, with new hope, new light, new peace and new bliss.”
Each new year, he continued, “is like a rung on the ladder of consciousness that we have to climb up.” *
* Anahata Nada, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1, 1975
PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. – Some spent New Year’s Eve at parties. Others went to 42nd Street to watch the famous Times Square ball descend and signal the start of the New Year.
But Sri Chinmoy and his disciples celebrated the occasion with a seven-hour recital of the Master’s Bengali religious songs.
Sri Chinmoy wrote the songs during the last two weeks of December, especially for the occasion.
Accompanying himself on the harmonium, the Master began the recital shortly before 6 p.m. and continued straight through to 1 a.m., with only a 10-minute intermission.
From time to time, various disciples came on stage to accompany him instrumentally or to join him in the singing.
A minute or so before midnight, Sri Chinmoy rose from his seat for a silent meditation. Then he repeated his New Year’s Message: “This is the year of inner progress and outer success. This is the year of outer success and inner progress.”
He called 1975 “a most momentous year,” adding, “Let us avail ourselves of this golden, unparalleled opportunity.”
Sri Chinmoy and his students celebrated New Year’s Eve with a seven-hour recital of 100 of his Bengali songs.
Published in Anahata Nada, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1, 1975
The New Year, 1975
A talk by Sri Chinmoy
in the Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium, United Nations
16 January 1975
Today we are holding a special meeting to commemorate the arrival of the new year. Each new year is an important chapter in our book of life. We know that if a book has seven chapters, all seven chapters will not be of the same importance. Similarly, although every year has great importance, one year may be more important than another year.
The New Year’s Message
The year 1975 will be the year of the seeker’s outer success and inner progress. With his outer success, he will love and serve the Supreme Pilot. With his inner progress, he will manifest and fulfil the Supreme Pilot.
This year is a most significant year, for it will affect both the inner life and the outer life at the same time. There have been years when we have noticed outer success without inner progress. Again, there have been quite a few years when we have experienced inner progress but no outer success. The success we are referring to is not the success of an unaspiring human being, not the success of an earthbound man who wants to achieve success by hook or by crook. Our success is not of that type. Ours is the outer success that is the manifestation of our inner progress.
Inner progress and outer success we shall observe simultaneously this year in our life of aspiration and dedication. Aspiration symbolises our inner progress and dedication symbolises our outer success. We need inner progress for the full realisation of the aspiring immortality within us. We need outer success for the full manifestation of the Divinity within us.
When we think of our outer success, we have to know that success means offering to the Lord Supreme what we have: love, concern and the feeling of universal oneness. When we think of our inner progress, we have to realise that inner progress means our constant, conscious, glowing and undying gratitude to the Absolute Supreme.
By offering to the Transcendental Supreme what we have, we shall achieve divine outer success. By offering to the Transcendental Supreme what we eternally are, we shall achieve ever-increasing, ever-transcending inner progress.
Here we are all sincere seekers. We are sincere according to our capacity and receptivity, but undoubtedly we are sincere. A sincere seeker makes an inner commitment to his inner Pilot. His commitment is that he shall not be satisfied unless and until he has grown into the very image of the Supreme.
We travel along the road of sincerity and humility in order to run fastest towards our goal. When we run fastest, at that time our very existence shall be an offering of unconditional surrender and all-surrendering gratitude to our inner Pilot, the Supreme.
Most of the seekers here belong to the United Nations Meditation Group. Each member must feel that it is a great honour to be part and parcel of this Meditation Group, for it is through the Meditation Group that we enter into the heart and soul of the United Nations. Inside the heart and soul of the United Nations we feel the real hunger and real thirst of bleeding, crying, desiring and aspiring humanity. Since we are all members of the Meditation Group, it is our bounden duty to be of totally dedicated, devoted inner service to the loftiest ideals of the United Nations. Each member of this Meditation Group is trying to be a real instrument of Truth, Light, Love and Peace. Each member of the United Nations Meditation Group is aspiring to serve humanity’s divine cause and longing for the fulfilment of humanity’s divine cause.
The League of Nations was a tiny plant, but now it has grown into a huge tree, the United Nations. The time will come when the whole world will take rest at the foot of this tree — this tree of patience, this tree of compassion, this tree of love, this tree of universal oneness. And one day we shall have to climb up the tree, pluck its most energising fruits and offer them to hungry humanity.
To each member of the United Nations Meditation Group, I offer my blessingful gratitude and pride. Especially to Sumedha do I offer my most sincere blessingful gratitude for her constant loving service to the supreme cause that we have undertaken here. Now I wish to invite the members of the Meditation Group to come up and meditate for a few minutes.
Now I wish to invite the members of the Meditation Group to come up and meditate for a few minutes.
Published in Union-Vision
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1976
The New Year’s Meditation for 1976 was held at Hunter College in New York on Friday evening, December 19, 1975, where recited the New Year’s message.
At the end of the meditation, Sri Chinmoy handed out gold cardboard boxes to the seekers and disciples present. Each box contained an orange and a card with the New Year’s message, a painting by CKG and a calendar printed on it.
The New Year will be the year of destruction,
Frustration and satisfaction.
The animal in us will unimaginably be destroyed.
The human in us will unreservedly be frustrated.
The divine in us will supremely be satisfied.
The animal in us is self-doubt.
The human in us is self-indulgence.
The divine in us is self-offering.— Sri Chinmoy
On December 18, the day before the public meditation, Sri Chinmoy read out the New Year’s Message at a meeting of his New York Centre and then made a few remarks. Read more...
Sri Chinmoy was also asked whether his New Year’s Message applied to the world at large? Read more...
After holding a New Year’s Eve Meditation in Aguas Buenas, a secluded mountain retreat in Puerto Rico, Sri Chinmoy commented further on his New Year’s Message. Read more...
On January 8, 1976, Sri Chinmoy gave a talk, entitled ‘1976: The New Year, New Opportunities, New Challenges’, at the United Nations in New York. Read more...
Songs for the New Year
A month prior to the New Year’s Meditation, on November 22, 1975, Sri Chinmoy composes two Bengali songs related to the New Year.
Naba Naba Rupe Dekha Dao Tumi
Bengali lyrics
Naba naba rupe dekha dao tumi
Dadash maser sheshe
He amar naba barsha atithi
Mor prane bhalobese
English translation
O New Year,
At the end of twelve months
You come and stand before me.
For me, you are a divine guest.
You come to me with Love divine.
I call you my own.
The moment you appear before me
In you I feel my ever-growing newness
And ever-fulfilling oneness.
Published in Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 1, song no. 38
Bipul Harashe Nabin Barashe
Bengali lyrics
Bipul harashe nabin barashe
Jagiche moder pran
Banglar pran ek hok aji
Subishal sumahan
Khandita nahe janani Banga
Antare raje bishwa priti
Gupta danab bhrukuti moder
Parane jagai bhranta bhiti
Tamasi rajani haye jabe bhor
Udibe tapan purbachale
Sonar Bangla amar Bangla
Jagibe abar amita bale
Naba barasher hriday gabhire
Rayeche gopane mukti asha
Chira adrita arjya rishir
Phire pabo mora mauna bhasha
English translation
With great joy in the New Year
Our hearts are awakening.
Let the hearts of all the Bengalis
Become one, great and vast.
Bengal is not two, Bengal is not divided;
In one Bengal, let the world-love abide.
The torture of the undivine hostile forces
Creates false fear in the heart of Bengal.
A tenebrous night will blossom into beauty’s day.
The sun of wisdom-light will dawn.
The golden Bengal, the immortal Bengal,
Will once more see the Light of the Infinite.
In the heart of the New Year
The liberation-hope will feed us,
We shall once more receive the silence-language
Of Immortality
From the Aryan sages of the hoary past.
Published in Pole-Star Promise-Light, Part 4, song no. 32
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1977
The New Year will be the year
Of our astounding achievements.
Our inner achievement will be peace.
Our outer achievement will be progress.
Peace is realisation-seed.
Progress is satisfaction-fruit.
— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy conducted his annual Meditation for the New Year on December 18, 1976, at Hunter College Auditorium in New York where he delivered his New Year’s Message for 1977. Beginning at 7:30 p.m., the evening featured Sri Chinmoy playing the esraj, as well as several groups performing arrangements of his music, and a Jharna-Kala exhibit.<
Following is an extract from a talk given by Sri Chinmoy on the significance of the New Year.
The year of frustration has totally ended. We have gone through unbearable frustration, but this experience must leave us. We shall not make friends with wrong forces; we shall not cherish attachment, bondage and other undivine things in the year to come. This year let us make friends with the real in us. We have gone through the life of desire and the consequences have been frustration and destruction. This year let us not repeat the same story. A new experience must dawn in us, in our devoted lives.
The old year has ended; the New Year has started. The New Year means new hope, new promise, new light, new life. Let the New Year be the year of God-Satisfaction in us. Just cast aside the old year like a nightmare. For us, only the future exists. Tomorrow has already started in us. Please, please, please, for one year let us live without fear, without doubt, without wrong forces. If we succeed for one year, then we will have the strength to continue, for once you do something, you know you can do it again.
The New Year has started. Forget about all the unhappy experiences that you have given and received. Think only of how you can give joy to others and thus make yourself happy. I will also do my best to make you happy. But in my case, my happiness entirely depends on the Supreme’s Happiness. I have to make you happy in a deeper way, according to the Will of the Supreme. The best thing is to allow me to please you in the Supreme’s own way. That is the only way I am accustomed to. And you also can try to please me in the way of the Supreme. That can be done when you follow the dictates of your soul.
Published in AUM – Vol. 3, No.12, December 27, 1976
On December 31st, during a bus trip back from a New Year’s parade in Miami, Florida, Sri Chinmoy gave the following message:
“I shall not accept defeat no matter how strong the forces of ignorance are here on earth.”
Shortly before midnight, Sri Chinmoy began the New Year’s Meditation.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1978
The heart of the year 1978
Belongs to the aspiration-perfection-sky.
The life of the year 1978
Belongs to the dedication-satisfaction-land.
Heart is humanity’s changeless oneness
With God.
Heart is humanity’s changing newness
In God.
Life is humanity’s crying fulness
In God.
Life is humanity’s smiling fulness
For God.— Sri Chinmoy
Listen to Sri Chinmoy reciting his New Year’s Message...
Sri Chinmoy held his annual public meditation for the New Year on December 18, 1977, at Columbia University’s McMillan Theatre in New York. Earlier the same day, Sri Chinmoy cooked 1,000 Indian sweets in Jamaica, Queens, New York. At the conclusion of the evening, after reading out his New Year’s Message, he offered the items individually to the audience as prasad.
Inspirational talk at the beginning of the New Year
by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations, in New York
O soul of the United Nations, we wish to serve you more soulfully and more devotedly, and for that what we need is more peace. Do tell us where peace is in abundant measure.
"Where is peace? Peace is in joy."
Where is joy?
"Joy? Joy is in love."
Where is love?
"Love? Love is in oneness."
Where is oneness?
"Oneness? Oneness is in vision."
Where is vision?
"Vision? Vision is in aspiration."
Where is aspiration?
"Aspiration? Aspiration is in self-giving. Aspiration is in truth-becoming, in light-becoming, in life-becoming and, finally, in God-becoming."
O soul of the United Nations, from the very dawn of this New Year, we wish to serve you more soulfully, more devotedly and more unconditionally.
Published in The seeker's mind
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1979
The New Year is the year
Of man and earth’s
Self-giving choice,
And also is the victory-year
Of God’s soundless Voice.— Sri Chinmoy
At the close of his annual New Year’s public meditation, held on December 15, 1978, at Columbia University in New York, Sri Chinmoy delivered his New Year’s Message. Sri Chinmoy also set the message to music and the song was performed that evening.
Published in Chandelier, Part 2, song no. 9
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1980
For the soulfully sincere seekers
Of the Absolute Supreme,
The year nineteen hundred and eighty
Is the year
Of amazing Harmony,
Astounding Peace
And abiding Oneness.— Sri Chinmoy
Listen to Sri Chinmoy reciting his New Year’s Message...
At his annual New Year’s Meditation and Concert, held on December 16, 1979 (7:30 p.m.), at McMillin Theater, Columbia University in New York, Sri Chinmoy offered his message for the New Year.
Sri Chinmoy set the message to music the previous day and the song was performed that evening.
Published in Chandelier, Part 2, song no. 10
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1981
In 1981
The Supreme Lord will utilise
The soul-beauty,
The heart-purity
And the life-sincerity
Of His seeker-children
For the manifestation
Of His perfect Perfection.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy held his annual New Year’s Meditation on December 16, 1980, in New York. The evening included a musical rendition of Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message — performed by a choir of his students — first in English and, then, simultaneously in Spanish, French and German in a round format. (See Sri Chinmoy’s original score below.)
Published in Chandelier, Part 2, song no. 11
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1982
The New Year will be the man-awakening
And the life-illumining God-Hour.
The eyeless will see the Vision-Eye
Of the Absolute Supreme,
And the heartless will feel the Compassion-Heart
Of the Absolute Supreme.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy held his annual New Year’s Meditation on December 15, 1981, at New York’s High School of Art and Design. During the evening, Sri Chinmoy read out his New Year’s Message and a special song he had composed the previous day from the words of the message was performed by his students.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1983
The year 1983
Will be the year of the seeker’s glory:
Glory within, glory without,
Glory illumining, glory abiding —
A oneness-glory
Between the self-giving seeker
And his life-transforming God.
— Sri Chinmoy
The New Year’s Meditation for the public was held on December 12, 1982, at Washington Irving High School in Manhattan. At the end of the programme, Sri Chinmoy delivered his message for the New Year.
Sri Chinmoy chooses to begin his 57th volume of Ten Thousand Flower-Flames with seven poems (no. 5601-7) that relate to the year 1983 and the theme of meditation.
The year of meditation
This entire year, 1983,
Has a very special significance.
This is the year of meditation.
I most sincerely urge you
To meditate, meditate, meditate!
Alone or with others,
At home or anywhere,
Whenever you are free
Meditate, meditate, meditate!
The golden opportunity
As God’s choice Hour does not arrive
Every hour, every day, every week,
Every month or even every year,
Who knows, a year of this kind
May not appear again for a long time.
If you want to become God’s choice instrument,
Then avail yourself of the golden opportunity
That this year of meditation offers.
Meditate, meditate, meditate!
Meditate, meditate, meditate!
Pay more attention to your meditation.
Spend more time in meditation.
Meditate soulfully, prayerfully and devotedly.
If you do not meditate
If you do not meditate,
Then your heart will remain insecure
And your mind will remain impure.
With an impure mind
And an insecure heart
You will not be able to please
Your Beloved Supreme.
Purity and security
Security, which is confidence,
You badly need.
Purity, which is inner assurance,
You badly need.
Both purity and security can and will come
Only from your meditation.
Your Master’s inner guidance
Whether you are meditating
In your Master’s physical presence
Or somewhere else is unimportant.
No matter where you are,
If you think of your Master
And meditate soulfully,
You are bound to get his inner guidance.
And this inner guidance,
Which is his inner oneness with you,
Will last forever and forever.
Be regular, punctual and sincere
In your early morning meditation
Be regular, be punctual and be sincere.
If you do not meditate regularly and punctually,
The Supreme will forgive you,
Your Master will forgive you,
But you will never be able
To forgive yourself, never!
If you deceive yourself in your meditation,
There will eventually come a time
When you will spontaneously become
Absolutely sincere.
Then it is you who will not be able
To forgive yourself.
Published in Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 57
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1984
The seeker’s confidence-heart
And the seeker’s surrender-life
Shall play together
The complete perfection-game
In God’s Vision-Home.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered a New Year’s meditation for the public on December 10, 1983, at Washington Irving High School in Manhattan. At the end of the programme, Sri Chinmoy delivered his message for the New Year.
• Question asked on 31 December 1983, after Sri Chinmoy's talk on the New Year.
Question: If somebody wants to choose one time of the year to make a new start —- such as your birthday, or the anniversary of our joining the Centre, or our own birthday, or the beginning of the New Year — are each of these times equally good?
Sri Chinmoy: My birthday, your own birthday, the anniversary of your becoming a disciple, the day I came to America — all these are most significant days. Every hour cannot be the same. The way you can meditate early in the morning at six o’clock, you will not be able to meditate at twelve noon, unless you are an expert. Early in the morning, it is quite easy. Later in the day, it is not so easy. It is not impossible, but it is not easy.
When we remain here, in the earth-bound life, we cannot say that every day is equally important. No, every day is not equally important. Some days are bound to be more important than other days. That is why we observe anniversaries and birthdays. When a birthday comes, at that time we say to ourselves, “Why did I come here? Have I made any progress since I accepted the spiritual life? In some fields I have made progress; in other fields I have not made progress, or I have gone backwards.”
In your case, you have made so much progress in music. But again, you are losing your spontaneity and childlike consciousness. I am telling you about your progress and backward march for your good. You have made progress in one thing and gone backwards in another. If you had maintained your childlike consciousness, it would have given tremendous joy to your soul. Like this, everybody is a culprit. People have made considerable progress in one thing and in another field they have lost their previous standard and climbed down instead of up.
So you can choose any date you want to make a new start, but once you start, then you have to continue. Otherwise, on your birthday you will try to meditate very soulfully and the day after your birthday you will say, “Yesterday I meditated so soulfully. So today I do not have to meditate.” Our human life is like that. We eat voraciously one day and the following day we do not want to eat. But in the spiritual life, we have to eat every day because our capacity to eat is unlimited. God’s Affection, Love, Blessings, Concern and Compassion are unlimited, so God gives us unlimited receptivity.
Published in Sri Chinmoy answers, part 34
• On New Year’s Day, January 1, 1984, Sri Chinmoy composes a Bengali/English pair of songs about the New Year. The score is displayed below.
Gunjari Gunjari Phukari Phukari
Bengali lyrics
Gunjari gunjari
Phukari phukari
Nabina barashe jagichhe
Amar trishita paran
English translation
Hauntingly, puissantly
My God-hunger-thirst
In the New Year is growing.
Published in Journey’s Ecstasy, song no. 138
• Early in the new year, Sri Chinmoy set the words of his New Year’s message to music.
The Seeker’s Confidence Heart
The seeker’s confidence-heart,
The seeker’s surrender-life,
Shall play together
The complete perfection-game
In God’s Vision-Home.
Published in Impossibility Bows
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1985
Don’t expect!
Don’t expect!
Give, give and give
If you want to really survive.— Sri Chinmoy
On 9 December 1984, Sri Chinmoy offers a concert and a New Year’s meditation at Washington Irving High School in New York, NY, USA. Ten days later, on 19 December, Sri Chinmoy offers his New Year’s Message while on the Christmas trip at a Peace Concert at Hotel Meliá in Torremolinos, Spain.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1986
The New Year will be
The year of teeming surprises —
Heaven-descending golden Dreams,
Earth-ascending silver realities —
For the seekers
Who sleeplessly and unconditionally live
For the Compassion-Eye-Manifestation
For the Satisfaction-Heart-Manifestation
Of their Beloved Supreme
Throughout the length and breadth
Of the entire world.— Sri Chinmoy
On 6 December 1985, Sri Chinmoy offers a New Year’s concert at Washington Irving High School in New York.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1987
For the Mountain-Truth-climbers
And the Fountain-God-lovers
The New Year will be the year
Of unprecedented inner aspiration-progress
And unlimited outer manifestation-success.
The Truth-climber
Is a God-chosen God-compeer.
The God-lover
Is a God-crowned future world-liberator.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy holds his 15th annual New Year's meditation on 11 December 1986 at the New York Society for Ethical Culture, in New York City.
Listen to Sri Chinmoy reciting his New Year’s Message...
About the New Year
An excerpt from a talk by Sri Chinmoy
25 December 1986, Vina del Mar, Chile
This year [1987] you will be able to make unprecedented progress in the aspiration-world. Even if you have been with us for ten, twelve, fifteen or God knows how many years, in this one year you can make unprecedented progress compared to the progress you have already made. And in terms of manifestation in your life, collectively and individually also you can have unlimited success.
Before the year starts I see with my third eye inwardly what is going to happen. Do not think that what I am saying only applies to me. No, no, nothing applies to me! I don't need unprecedented inner aspiration-progress and unlimited outer manifestation-success. I don't need these things; I don't need anything. If you really participate, if you become part and parcel of my mission and my vision, then what I say definitely applies to you.
I may tell you to get 13,000 people for a concert and to do this or that. But for whose progress? Christ did not give concerts or anything, but his light has spread throughout the length and breadth of the world. It is the same with Krishna, Buddha and other spiritual Masters. But when you set up concerts and do other things to spread your Guru's light, you have the golden opportunity to bring forward your own divinity. You do have divine qualities, and I want them to increase in boundless measure. So by becoming part and parcel of my manifestation, you bring to the fore your own qualities and multiply them astronomically.
I don't have to write one more poem or song or give one more talk. I don't have to do a thing, and still my light will spread. But if I do not encourage you to manifest, you will be worse than you are. So my encouragement is taking this form: I have the wealth; you spread it, spread it, spread it. But if you do not spread it, then others will spread it after I leave this world. If you do not do or cannot do it while I am on earth, then others will do it. But I feel that you can do it. Therefore, I am all the time encouraging you and inspiring you.
If you love your progress and if you get joy from it, then the things that are necessary for progress you have to do. One thing I am telling you to have is enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm. As long as you are in the boat, every day you have to increase your enthusiasm, eagerness and determination.
Whenever an idea comes, if you do not act upon that idea, then you are lost. You will say that tomorrow you will get higher and deeper inspiration and more enthusiasm, but you are just fooling yourself. So if you are inspired to do something, do it immediately. And if you are not inspired, you have to create inspiration and enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is receptivity. God's Compassion has acted in and through human beings in the form of enthusiasm. Some disciples used to drive for hours to come to the Centre. At that time there was no wife, no husband, no children, no friends. Their whole life was only to be with their Guru. Now that our meeting place is only a few blocks from their house, all the time they are thinking of their children, their parents, their friends, their relatives. And they are not only just keeping in touch but actually creating more friends and more obligations. So now they have no time for the spiritual life. This is what happens when enthusiasm goes. When there is enthusiasm, there is nothing we cannot do. We are willing to cover the length and breadth of the world for God. Again, when enthusiasm goes, even the smallest effort is too much.
The New Year has started with such tremendous hope, inspiration and aspiration. This is the time for you to regain the enthusiasm that you once had when you just joined the path. And with new enthusiasm and new determination, conquer your weaknesses. Some people surrender after making mistakes because they feel that it will be impossible for them ever to succeed. For them, their spiritual life has ended. But even if you have failed for years and years in one particular thing, don't feel that you are doomed to disappointment. Just because you have failed for so many years in conquering your insecurity or jealousy, or in achieving oneness with God's Will, or anything, you cannot say you will never succeed. Just feel that it is a challenge to conquer your weakness. And once you overcome it, you are bound to succeed again and again and again.
This room, let us say, was unlit for so many years just because it was not lucky enough to have electricity. But when the room finally got electricity, the light came on in a second. In your case, you have a real spiritual Master who is like an electrician. If only you allow me to enter into your unlit room and work there, then one day in a twinkling I will be able to illumine it. But you don't allow me to enter into your heart-room. You don't allow me into your depths; you resist like anything!
Again and again I am telling you to meditate, meditate, meditate and pray for Forgiveness-Light. If your aspiration and receptivity are strong enough, definitely God's Compassion will remove the wrong forces that are causing you so many problems and will increase your soul's light so that it will prevent these forces from attacking you and ruining your aspiration and dedication. Aspiration is your part and Compassion and Forgiveness are God's part. No matter how many mistakes you make, God is eager, eager to forgive you if you give Him the chance and have the enthusiasm and determination to do the right thing and not make the same mistakes over and over again year after year. Once you are forgiven, you will have the sweetest feeling inside your heart and inside this sweetness you will feel real purity. If you have this tremendous sweetness inside your heart, then you will know that God has forgiven you. With this sweet feeling you will have tremendous eagerness and determination to please the Supreme in His own Way, and you will feel that you are only for Him. So once you feel this sweetness and eagerness to please God, you will know that God has forgiven you. Then, once He has forgiven you, you will see how much of the suffering that you have on the physical, vital and mental plane will disappear.
When you make the right decision and care only to please God, your Beloved Supreme, you can feel how much Joy the Supreme gets from you. To please God is what you really want. Just because this is what you really want, God is not fulfilling your earthly desires. God is omnipotent. In the twinkling of an eye He can easily fulfil all your human desires put together. But if He does, it is you who will feel most miserable. Each time He fulfils your desire-life, you move one step further away from Him. So if He listens to you and fulfils your desire-life, you will blame God. It was you who wanted it, but you will say, "O God, if You are so kind and compassionate, why did You grant my desires? Now my aspiration-life is destroyed!" That is why God wants to give you only what your aspiring heart sincerely wants and what your aspiring life inwardly needs.
You may ask how you can distinguish the desire-life or clever human life from the aspiration-life. It is very, very easy. The desire-life is "my" way; the aspiration-life is God's Way. "My" way says: "O God, you please me now, and then one day I will please You in Your own Way. First satisfy me and then, when I am satisfied, I shall start pleasing You." But this is such a stupid way of trying to please God! For when God pleases you in your own way, on that day the little aspiration that you had will be totally destroyed. And those golden days when you are going to please God in His own Way will never come. I tell you, they will not arrive, they will not arrive!
The aspiration-life, which is God's Way, says, "O God, please give me the capacity to please You always in Your own Way. And once I have started pleasing You in Your own Way, never, never allow me to try to please You in my way." So if you have real aspiration, you will say to the Supreme, "You have given me the capacity today to please You in Your own Way. Do give me the capacity to please You every hour of every day in Your own Way."
Unfortunately, the disciples please the Supreme for five seconds or for one hour, and then for the rest of the day or for the next ten days they ask and expect God to please them in their own way. If after you have pleased God for twenty days, you ask Him to please you in your own way for five seconds, He may do it. But while He is pleasing you for five seconds, you will lose all the divine things that you got by pleasing God in His own Way. For twenty days you worked so hard to get something, and in five seconds you can lose it all! Then again you will have to start your journey from the beginning. You gained some money and then you lost it, so again you became a beggar. Every day you can become rich, and by evening you can become poor again.
God is for those who are absolutely sincere and absolutely determined to become His choice instruments. If you are absolutely determined to become His choice instrument, then He will inspire you, help you and guide you to the Highest. So you have to decide what you actually want. The Highest, the Deepest, the Ultimate and the Absolute are not mere words. They are realities, absolute realities, that can be achieved only by pleasing God in God's own Way. True, because you are still on the path, your soul is pleasing God twenty-four hours a day. But it is not enough if just your soul pleases God. No! Your heart, your mind, your vital and your body must also please God.
Most of the time the heart does listen to God, but there are many, many cases in which the heart does not listen to God's Will. Because the vital is near the heart, the vital enters into the heart and takes away the heart's oneness. And it is even more difficult for the mind to receive God's Light than for the vital, since the roguish mind is infinitely worse than the vital. Quite often the vital at first is restless. Then it becomes tired and surrenders to the heart. But the mind always feels that it knows everything and has everything that it needs and wants. The mind feels that it is beneath its dignity to take anything from the heart. So disobedience starts from the mind. The heart obeys the inner divinity and surrenders to God's Will infinitely more than the mind, the vital and the physical consciousness. But even the heart does not always listen to God the way the soul listens.
Again, you have to know that not all souls have the same capacity; some souls are limited. Your soul may not be as developed or advanced as somebody else's soul. But if, according to its capacity, your soul pleases God in His own Way, then because of your unconditional surrender, gradually, gradually your soul will become more developed and be able to please God in a more advanced way.
It is like this. The souls that are not as mature or developed as others are like young children. The father will ask the child to bring him a glass of water, whereas he will ask his grown-up son to bring him something heavy. But if both obey him cheerfully and devotedly, he will be equally pleased with them. The child has only the capacity to bring him a glass of water, but he does it cheerfully, devotedly and unconditionally, so the father is very pleased with the child. But one day this child will become an adult. At that time if the father asks him to bring him something heavy, like a typewriter, he will bring the typewriter. But if the child does not use his capacity to bring the glass of water cheerfully, devotedly and unconditionally, will he ever be able to do something infinitely more difficult?
I am telling you, the soul is not a mental hallucination. When spiritual Masters and others who have realised God talk about the soul, it is more real to them than the body, vital, mind and heart. The awakened part of reality is the soul, and that is the part that is always listening to God. So take your soul very, very seriously at every moment in your life. You cannot see the soul with your eyes because you are not yet trained, but I can see it because I am trained. An expert in any field can do quite a few things that someone else cannot do. A scientist can see quite a few things that I cannot see, but I do not say that these things do not exist. They do exist. So you do have a soul, and you can have free access to your soul the way I have. It is only a matter of development, development, development.
This is the year of unprecedented inner aspiration-progress and unlimited outer manifestation-success. Try to repeat these phrases every day: "Unprecedented inner aspiration-progress, unprecedented inner aspiration-progress, unlimited outer manifestation-success, unlimited outer manifestation-success," and feel their reality, depth and power. In so many ways, known and unknown, you will be helped from the inner world. No matter how many times you have failed in the past, in this year you will get tremendous inner strength. Again, no matter how many years you have succeeded in any field, in this year you will be able to increase your progress strikingly. Even if you have succeeded for years and years in something, there is no end to the progress you can make. Because this year is such an important year, you have the capacity to increase your aspiration and your dedication far beyond your imagination.
I am telling you the positive side, but also there is a negative side. I always say that a knife has the power to kill someone and also it has the power to cut fruits to be shared with someone. Here also the divine Light that is inside us in very small measure has the capacity to give us the fastest progress. Again, if God sees that some children of His are not taking full advantage of this opportunity, He will be disappointed and disgusted and He will withdraw this Light. Then we become a total failure in the spiritual life.
This year you have been given a golden opportunity, so I hope that you will make the fastest progress. You are definitely, definitely chosen by God, so you cannot sleep the way countless other people are sleeping. Ignorance-sleep you cannot have! The divinity, the power, the love and the divine light that you had, you still have. This is what is keeping you on the path. But you have to increase these things, and this year you can easily do it. I have said these things many, many times. But each time I talk, an extra power, an extra force, enters into you. So, dear ones, take me seriously and this year do it, do it, do it!
Published in Khama karo
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1988
My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do bless me
With Your absolutely choice,
Secret and sacred Advice
For the New Year.“My child, win My Heart
And thus win My All —
My Eternity’s All,
My infinity’s All
And My Immortality’s All.”My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I win Your Heart?“My child, by loving Me only
And by needing Me only.”My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
How can I love You only?
How can I need You only?“My child, be punctual in your heart’s
Be regular in your life’s
Dedication-smile.”My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
I have badly failed You this year.
I have all along failed You unquestionably.
But, my Lord, will I ever succeed?“My child, you must and you will.
Just sleeplessly illumine your mind
And convince your heart
That you are of
My Eternity’s Hunger only
And you are for My immortality’s
Satisfaction only.”My only Lord Beloved Supreme,
I know that my living death will be
When You withdraw from me completely.
But will You ever withdraw from me?“My child, do not think of My withdrawal,
But pray to Me to be with Me in My Boat
To reach your supreme Destination —
My complete Satisfaction in you, with you
And for you.
I have so far not withdrawn from you.
My child, wake up!
It is already very late.
How long do you expect Me to hold
My Golden Boat
On this side of ignorance-ocean?
You have to realise that either I am your All
Or you are all for yourself
And all by yourself.”— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered the New Year’s Message at his Peace Concert at Carnegie Hall, West 57th Street, New York, on 13 December 1987.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1989
From time immemorial
Humanity’s heart has been treasuring
Himalayan hope-dreams.And now, before long,
Divinity’s Soul will descend
With satisfaction-realities on earth
And blessingfully quench
The ceaseless peace-thirst,
And compassionately appease
The breathless oneness-hunger
Of the world-family.Arise! Awake!
Smile soulfully
At tomorrow’s fulfilment-flooded
Perfection-Dawn.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered this New Year’s Message at St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York on December 8, 1988.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1990
My Lord Supreme,
I am now feeling powerfully great
By offering You my mind’s gratitude-smiles.
My Beloved Supreme,
I am now feeling breathlessly good
By offering You my heart’s gratitude-cries.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Out of Your infinite Bounty,
Do share with me a blessingful secret
For the New Year, 1990.“My child,
My infinity’s Dream-treasuring child,
I shall share with you not one,
But two blessingfully sacred secrets.
Yesterday’s self-gratifying division-hunger-world
Will before long be buried in oblivion-cave.
My child,
My Immortality’s Reality-manifesting child,
Today’s self-giving oneness-aspiration-world
Will receive from Me
In the victory-flooded future
My Transcendental Silence-Crown
And My Universal Sound-Throne.”— Sri Chinmoy
On December 10, 1989, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert and a New Year’s meditation at Washington Irving High School in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1991
The daring competition-success-might of the human mind is wisely going to surrender to the caring illumination-progress-delight of the divine heart.
The inner voice is whispering the supreme Message-Light for humanity’s perfection-life. Let us listen. We can listen. We must listen!Hurtful is the outer adventure-capture-march. Fruitful is the inner adventure-rapture-dive.
The outer world belongs to the supremacy-fighters. The inner world belongs to the oneness-lovers. God’s ultimate Perfection-World will bless and embrace the oneness-lovers with fondness and pride, and reject and forget the supremacy-fighters.God the Creation, in breathless Sound, asks God the Creator: “O, where are You?”
God the Creator, in fathomless Silence, replies: “I am inside your Oneness-Fulness-Peace-Blossoming Dream-Reality.”— Sri Chinmoy
On December 12, 1990, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert and a New Year’s meditation at Hunter College in New York, NY, USA.
On November 27, 1990, Sri Chinmoy wrote a special Peace Song for 1991.
Peace in My Flying Soul
Peace, Peace, Peace Peace.
Peace in my flying soul,
Peace in my crying heart,
Peace in my searching mind,
Peace in my striving vital,
Peace in my sleeping body.
Peace, Peace, Peace Peace.
Peace in Heaven, peace on earth,
Peace in every human life,
Peace in oneness-heart-home.
Peace, Peace, Peace Peace.
Published in A Heart of Peace, song no. 22
Two talks about the New Year
by Sri Chinmoy to his students
Bali Garden Hotel, Kuta, Bali – 31 December 1990
Everybody, please try to think of three good qualities. You know you have many, many good qualities, but just try to bring to your mind’s forefront three good qualities. Three good qualities you will bring to the fore. And from tomorrow on, during the whole year, try to increase and multiply those good qualities.
Then try to bring to the fore seven shortcomings of your life. Some of you may say that you do not have seven bad qualities. So just to please me cultivate some, or imagine some bad qualities which you don’t have. Then remember each one of these seven bad qualities and repeat it seven times. Take each bad quality as a flower; don’t take each bad quality as a thorn. Don’t think of bad qualities as thorns and good qualities as flowers. No; each good quality is a fragrance and each bad quality is a flower.
So think of three kinds of fragrance that you have, and increase the intensity of your fragrances. Then please try to recollect seven bad qualities, taking each one as a flower. You can make a list: doubt, insecurity, jealousy, inferiority complex or superiority complex, and so on. Seven bad qualities you will write down. Nobody else will know. Then one every day please place at the Feet of the Supreme.
In your prayer and meditation, just offer them like this: “O my Lord Supreme, I am offering You my doubt. I am offering You my jealousy, my insecurity, my inferiority, my minds insincerity, my hearts impurity.”
You will get tremendous joy if you do this. In one week’s time, you will be able to increase your good qualities. And I assure you, at the same time, in one weeks time you will see how your bad qualities are decreasing in power and disappearing from your life. If you sincerely try, in one week’s time you will see how you will be able to increase your good qualities and decrease your bad qualities. You will be very happy. And in the New Year, you will be able to do many, many things.
You give me all your promises, which unfortunately most of you, if not all, will not fulfil. But this you will be able to see very soon — that you have decreased seven bad qualities and increased three good qualities.
I will deeply appreciate it if all of you will please try to keep in mind one bad quality that we all have: looking at others imperfections. Each time you think of others imperfections, please make it a point to feel most sincerely that you are misusing and losing the most precious life-breath from your God-Realisation-hope and God-Manifestation-promise.
Los Angeles Airport, USA – 28 January 1991
This is now morning. Morning gives us inspiration. On our behalf the mind accepts this inspiration from the world of inspiration. And morning gives us aspiration. On our behalf the heart accepts this aspiration from the world of aspiration.
Three things we need, and we already have two things out of the three. Inspiration and aspiration we already have, and what we still need is realisation, realisation of our conscious, constant and inseparable oneness with our Lord Beloved Supreme throughout Eternity.
I have already given some New Year’s messages. Now I wish to offer another very short message.
The New Year has dawned. This year is the year of most significant, most significant achievements. It is not the year of hope, not the year of promise, but the year of achievements. We all must achieve something divine and supreme, both in the world of aspiration and in the world of dedication. There is not a single disciple who cannot do this.
In previous years we hoped to do something most significant. We promised to our Lord Supreme and to ourselves that we would do something most significant for Him. Somehow we did not keep our promise to the fullest extent. Our hope-thirst was not properly quenched. Our promise-hunger was not properly fed. But this year we shall not only quench our thirst and feed our hunger, we shall also accomplish something unique and unprecedented.
This year please do not recite and repeat the motto: “I have tried my best.” That motto is obsolete now. The new motto is: “I am going to fulfil my Lord Beloved Supreme without fail this year.” This new motto kindly repeat seven times a day with your mind’s utmost sincerity and with your heart's utmost purity. Please remember: with your mind’s utmost sincerity and with your heart’s utmost purity. Seven times at different hours, please repeat this.
Yesterday’s frustrations, yesterday’s failures must not compel us to accept unwillingness. Yesterday’s failures, frustrations, defeats and unfortunate negative qualities must be buried in oblivion. Today, from this moment on, try to see a rainbow-dawn in your heart-sky. Then your mind will have a new name, your heart will have a new name, and your life will have a new name. Newness will become your mind’s proper name, oneness will become your hearts proper name and fulness will become your life’s proper name.
In August when you come to New York for celebrations, I would like to see the radiance and effulgence of your heart-garden. And inside your heart-garden I would like to see my gratitude-heart.
I am now in California. To the soul, to the heart and to the physical existence of California, I am offering my soul’s transcendental blessings and my hearts infinite, infinite love. For me, California is power, power unimaginable. Let us try to utilise this power in a very soulful way. Let us make this power constructive, illumining and fulfilling. The divine fulfilment, supreme fulfilment of this power will not only make California a supremely choice instrument of our Lord Beloved Supreme, but also the entire length and breadth of American can and will be inspired by the unparalleled achievements of California.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1992
My Sweet Lord Beloved Supreme, You are Your Immortality’s Compassion-Height.
You are telling the sincerity-purity-gratitude-flooded inner world that its teeming follies will devotedly surrender to a volley of surprises, illumining and fulfilling, in the New Year, 1992.
My Sweet Lord Beloved Supreme, You are Your Divinity’s Justice-Light.
You are telling the insincerity-impurity-ingratitude-flooded outer world that its unsearching mind, unaspiring heart and unsurrendering life will be forced to drown in the ocean of endless sorrows.
My Lord, You are telling the aspiration-heart and the dedication-life of the world that they must accept You, please You and fulfil You in Your own Way and never, never in their own ignorance-volcano-way if they dare to dream of reaching the Golden Shore, the Transcendental Vision of Your own Heart-Breath.
My Lord, my Lord, may I be permitted to beg You to grant me a blessingful boon in the New Year? Do give me the capacity to please You in Your own Way sleeplessly and breathlessly.
“My child, My Dream-Flower-child and my Reality-Fragrance-child, your willingness-heart is your capacity. Your willingness-heart is My Smile, My only Smile.”
My Sweet Lord Beloved Supreme, today You are our Golden Boat. Tomorrow You will be our Golden Shore.
— Sri Chinmoy
On December 9, 1991, Sri Chinmoy offers a New Year’s meditation and Peace Concert for the public at Hunter College in New York where he reads out his New Year’s Message for 1992. The event also includes a Jharna-Kala exhibit.
On December 27, 1991, Sri Chinmoy composes 26 songs — 13 Bengali/English pairs — to usher in the New Year. The scores for two of the songs are displayed below; the others can be found on the Sri Chinmoy Songs website in the songbook In the New Year, a New Dawn.
Nutan Barashe Khuliya Rakhibo
Nutan barashe khuliya rakhibo
Sathek ashar duar
Hundreds of hope-doors
I shall keep open
In this New Year.
Published in In the New Year, a New Dawn
Hundreds of Hope-Doors
Published in In the New Year, a New Dawn
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1993
God is dreaming,
Newness singing,
Oneness blossoming,
Fulness dancing.Hope no more gropes.
Life without slopes.
Splendid depths and heights
Transform bondage-nights.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered his annual New Year’s meditation and Peace Concert on December 9, 1992, in Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center in New York, where he read out his message for the New Year.
Later in the month, he elaborated on the message, saying “God has taken many, many years to create ... this particular year.”
For centuries, he said, the mind-power has dominated, “but now the mind-power is surrendering to the heart-power” and “brightness and luminosity have already started blossoming.”
From now on, he continued, “we will only see the song and dance of the divine forces. The undivine forces are exhausted. They have already started surrendering to the divine forces and they are ready to abide by the will of the divine forces.” 2
Sri Chinmoy composed a special song for 1993 by setting music to the words of the New Year’s Message on December 6, 1992.
On December 4, 1992, Sri Chinmoy wrote a special Peace Song for 1993. Below is a copy of the words in Sri Chinmoy’s own handwriting and the score.
On January 1, 1993, Sri Chinmoy wrote the following Bengali song about the New Year.
Nabin Barashe Nabin Sapath Karechi Turiya
Bengali lyrics
Nabin barashe nabin sapath karechi
Turiya dhamer jatri hayite chalechi
Published in Gahite Chahi, song no. 17
A talk about the New Year 1993
On December 7, 1992, Sri Chinmoy gave a talk about the New Year’s Message to his students at Public School 86 in Jamaica, New York.
God is dreaming, and then comes newness singing. Now, I wish to say a few words about newness. I feel that your newness will save you from spiritual disaster and catastrophe. There are inner ways to feel newness, to have newness and to walk with newness. Again, on the outer plane, there are two ways to increase newness, to feel the beauty of newness and to smell the fragrance of newness.
First, no matter how many years you have been on the path, whether it is fifteen years or twenty-three years, from now on just forget about the years. You have to allow your sincerity to speak, once and for all. When you joined the path, how sincerely and soulfully, how self-givingly you joined! At that time, eagerness was your true name, self-offering was your true name. But now the story has changed, it seems, completely. Those true names you don’t have now. The names you have got now are false names. It is my ardent wish that all of you, without exception, should feel that you have just joined the path. Please feel that it is a matter of a week or two, not even a month that you have been with us. As for years, they are out of the question. If you can think and sincerely feel that you have joined the path very, very, very recently, then those sweet moments, divine moments and illumining inner cries will come back to the fore.
There is another way to feel newness. Every morning, as soon as you look at your eyes or your head or any part of your body, please try to see yourself as a flower, the flower that you love most. There are so many flowers on earth, and each individual, I am sure, has a special flower to appreciate. Each person will enjoy the beauty and fragrance of a particular flower. You know which flower you like best. Every morning, consciously make yourself feel and see that you are that very flower, the flower that you love most. As you know, a flower means beauty, purity and divinity. If you have beauty, if you have purity and if you have divinity, then you do not need anything else. The divine beauty, the divine purity and the divine divinity: these things are eternally new. So as soon as you think of yourself, please feel that you are the most beautiful flower, the flower that you cherish most.
Again, please, please forget consciously about the years of your spiritual existence. As soon as you think of your spiritual existence, you feel that you are carrying a heavy, heavy load, a dead elephant, and you can’t get rid of that elephant which you have placed on your head or shoulders. From now on please think of yourself as a deer. When you joined the path, you wanted to run faster than the fastest, each of you. Now tiredness has become your name, unwillingness has become your name, self-destruction has become your name. These names are undivine names that you are either consciously or unconsciously cherishing. In most cases, consciously you are cherishing them.
So, dear ones, if you really want to make progress faster than the fastest, then think that your spiritual life is only a few days old. If you do not have newness, you will not be able to make any progress. But if you can consciously make yourself feel that your spiritual life is only a few days old, then tremendous newness will enter into your body, vital, mind and heart. Inside this newness will be eagerness and willingness. Eagerness, enthusiasm and all the divine qualities that you have deep inside will definitely, definitely come to the fore when you have newness. As soon as you feel newness, you will see that the heavy load, the dead elephant that you have been carrying will not be able to remain on your head or shoulders. Then you will be able to run fast, very fast, like a deer.
As soon as you think of your existence on the path for five, ten, fifteen, twenty or twenty-five years, you feel that you have accomplished everything. Now, others will have to work and you can enjoy retirement, because you are spiritually old. Physically one can be old, which is so true — I am the radiant proof — but not spiritually. Spiritually I am not old. Spiritually nobody can be old. God Himself is not old. He has and He is spirituality itself and, at the same time, He is the eternal Child in Eternity’s Garden. So if our Creator is always young, how can we be otherwise? How can we be old? Please think of your spiritual life as something you have just begun. Because you have just begun, everything is sweet and beautiful, everything is welcoming you. It is like my song, “Dake amai dake”. Everything positive is calling you, beckoning you.
This New Year is such a beautiful, significant year. God has again given us, out of His infinite Bounty, a golden chance to think of ourselves in a new way, to think of Him in a new way and to give our very existence to Him again in a new way. You will see. Just forget about your so-called existence on the path for five, ten, fifteen, twenty or twenty-five years. Think that you have been here for only five days. Then immediately you will feel that you are a new pilgrim with a new dream. You have embarked on a new journey. The road that you are following is the right road and your destination is certain. So please forget about your mental oldness. Do not cherish your mind’s opinion of yourself. Do not believe your mind’s opinion of yourself. Only have faith in God’s faith in you. God has not yet completed His role in and through you. He will eternally play His role in and through you, for His Game in and through all of us is birthless and deathless. You cannot, as a matter of fact, terminate your game. But if you are unwilling to act in God’s way once you have accepted the spiritual life, it will be the most, most painful experience that you will give to yourself. The spiritual life is undoubtedly a one-way street, with no U-turn. You are sleeping and snoring, but I am saying no, again wake up! Run, run and run!
Dear ones, once more I am saying this, and please listen to me. Please think that you have just joined the path. Then, from your own heart, everything that is inspiring, aspiring, illumining and fulfilling will come to the fore. To your wide surprise, you will feel once more that your life has a very special purpose. Once more you will feel that you have a very special role to play in the Cosmic Game of our Lord Beloved Supreme.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1994
The Year of Supreme Choice:
The aspiring heart’s confident forward march
orThe doubting mind’s imminent backward run.
Swim in the ocean of oneness-delight
Sink in the sea of separation-night.
From the higher worlds, the Divine Beings want to illumine, protect and perfect the earth planet.
From the lower worlds, the Ignorance-Titans want to dominate the earth planet. Let us make our wise choice Here and Now.
In us is Divinity’s Peace-Lover. In us is humanity’s War-Monger. The one we do not want to feed and cherish we must bring to the fore immediately and cast aside ruthlessly.
Because of our conscious and continuous blunders, we have compelled our poor Lord God to sleeplessly cry.
Stop we must! From this very moment we must please God in His own Way, for there can be no other way if Happiness is our choice, Peace is our choice, Infinity-Immortality’s Fulfilment is our choice.
— Sri Chinmoy
• On December 9, 1993, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert and a New Year’s meditation at the New York Society for Ethical Culture in New York, NY, USA.
• On 24 January 1994, Sri Chinmoy offers the following talk about the New Year after returning to New York from the annual Christmas Trip with his disciples.
You Have the Golden Chance
by Sri Chinmoy
My dear children, this is my most and most blessingful request to each and every one present here. Each night before you go to sleep, while seated on your bed, only for three to five minutes please pray and meditate. Also, please sing or recite the new song, Bhulite diyona. This is the translation:
My Lord Absolute Supreme,
Do not allow me to forget Your Feet.
Do not allow me to forget Your Eye.
Do not allow me to forget Your Message.
Do not allow me to forget Your Dream.
In my life and in my death,
O Lord of my heart,
Do accept my prayerful obeisance.
My Lord, do not allow me to forget You.
Do not allow me to forget You, do not.
Those who have learnt the song and those who are good singers can sing the song, and others can just recite it.
Once more I am making my most blessingful request to each of you. At six o’clock in the morning, please meditate for ten minutes. Only wash your eyes, face, nose and especially your ears. When we meditate, at that time the cosmic sound reverberates in the depths of our aspiration-heart, so our earthly ears may get some benefit from the cosmic sound AUM, the soundless sound.
Then at night, whenever you go to bed — at ten-thirty, eleven-thirty or midnight — please meditate for three minutes at least while seated on your bed.
My dear children, my sweet children, what I am saying applies also to those who are not physically here. This year either we will be able to offer our supreme victory to our Lord Beloved Supreme, our Eternity’s only Goal, or we will offer Him the worst possible defeat. Remember, it is up to you to offer Him the worst possible spiritual defeat or your supremely glorious victory.
Please remember this poem:
I never want to count
My heart’s aspiration-moments.
I just want to multiply
My life’s dedication-hours.
Your life’s dedication-hours please multiply this year. Make yourself worthy of your inner life, your spiritual life. Dear ones, it is up to you. Take every moment seriously.
When I came to America, when I came to the West, the Supreme in me did expect to have supremely chosen instruments to manifest His Victory here, there and everywhere. My oneness with your heart, my oneness with your life, I shall never be able to make you feel — never, never. But if you yourself dare to feel my oneness with your heart and with your life, then you are bound to feel that your victory is my victory, and your defeat is my defeat, for I am one with you, inseparably and eternally. Because I have accepted each of you, your defeat is my defeat, and your victory is my victory.
You have the golden chance to be the pioneers of this divine vision that I embody, the divine vision that I have entrusted you to spread all over the world. I am extremely, extremely fortunate to have your souls — such beautiful, such loving, such self-giving souls — for my supreme cause. There is not a single soul that is not one hundred per cent sleeplessly for me. All your souls, according to their individual development, are here on earth only to love the Supreme in me, only to serve the Supreme in me, only to fulfil the Supreme in me. If you can dive deep within and if you can get just a glimpse of your soul for a brief moment, then you will see the inseparable connection and oneness that your soul has established with me to manifest the Light, the Peace and the Divinity of our Lord Beloved Supreme. I want that Light, that Peace and that Divinity to manifest in and through your lives.
I beg of you, I beg of you, I beg of you not to fail yourselves, not to fail your souls. Make me the happiest person both on earth and in Heaven by pleasing me and fulfilling me here on earth, for I am your own highest. Your absolute highest is your Master, Sri Chinmoy. If you have faith in me, you have faith in your soul. If you have faith in your soul, you have faith in me. We are inseparable.
Swami Vivekananda gave his Inspired Talks at Thousand Island Park in 1895. The West may not have accepted, or could not accept his light, but I know that millions and millions of Indians received boundless inspiration, boundless encouragement and boundless enthusiasm from his Inspired Talks. Over the years, I have also given many, many, many inspired talks. I know that those talks have helped you enormously in your inner life of aspiration and in your outer life of dedication. Again I am telling you now, please take your life of aspiration and your life of dedication as supremely important. I am begging you to dedicate more of your life. If you have the capacity, then give talks, here, there and everywhere. Give classes and, in as many ways as possible, inspire people. Work together, work together.
A great Indian figure happened to be a disciple of a spiritual Master of the highest order. Once, at a time when this particular disciple was suffering from one of the worst possible attacks of doubt — doubting his Master, doubting himself and doubting the spiritual life — he was asked by a seeker to talk about his Master. He spoke so soulfully, so powerfully and so profoundly that, while speaking, he brought his own tears of gratitude to the fore.
Then the disciple wrote to his Master, “I have been doubting you, Master, so much. I have been doubting my spiritual life. I have been doubting the whole world. Even a few hours ago, my existence had no value; everything was negative. But in speaking about you, Master, I have made everything positive, and I have made myself happy. How can it be? Surely I am the world’s worst possible insincere person. I am a hypocrite!”
The Master replied, “My child, how proud I am of you! While you were speaking about me, your soul got the opportunity to come to the fore and manifest your own divinity and your own light in the heart of that sincere aspirant. When you feel that you are doomed to disappointment, when all the negative forces are coming to you, at that time if you speak highly of your Master, highly of your spiritual life, highly of your path, do not think that you are a hypocrite, that you are fooling yourself or fooling the sincere seekers—far from it! During your mind’s darkest hour or your life’s darkest hour, your soul, on the strength of its inseparable oneness with the Supreme and with your Master, got the golden opportunity to convince your mind, which was either in the barren desert or in the thick forest. Your soul was able to grab your body, vital and mind and bring them into your own heart-garden to see how beautiful you are and how fragrant you are.”
These are my interpretations. The Master did not use these exact words, but I know what that particular Master actually meant. I am telling you all this because I see that some of you are at times sad and depressed; you may have all kinds of vital and mental problems. The golden way to overcome these problems is to talk to people about the spiritual life. If you feel that your consciousness has descended, then sing my spiritual songs or talk to your friends about the spiritual life.
Like today’s song, Bhulite diyona, all my soulful songs are bound to help you. If you want your own light to come to the fore, sing a few songs or listen to a tape of my voice. My voice has a very special connection with your soul and with your heart. No matter whether I am singing well or not, my singing voice has a very, very, very special connection with your soul, with the divine in you. Please listen to my voice or my flute or some other instrument of mine that you like.
This is God’s universal Game. When we play a game, who wants to accept defeat? We will do our very best to be the winners. In this case, who is our opponent? It is the undivine, unlit, destructive forces that are trying to threaten us and devour us. We call them hostile forces. Again, the Supreme has kept inside each human being a roaring lion. We must bring to the fore the roaring lion in us, and roar and roar to manifest the divine light that we already have. The more we can be of service to mankind, even if we only offer an iota of light to an individual, the more the Supreme is bound to bless us with His abundant Light. And when we offer our abundant light to others, then He will be able to give us infinite Light.
In my heart-garden I have employed you with my boundless love, boundless affection and boundless fondness. You are my helpers, and I want each of you to bring a few more plants with your aspiration, with your dedication. Try to make our heart-garden as vast as possible, as beautiful as possible, as fragrant as possible. My children, you have the capacity and you are the capacity. I want each one of you to offer the supreme success, supreme glory and supreme victory to our Lord Beloved Supreme.
I do not mind if you are not proud of me, but in all sincerity, I want to tell you how proud I am of your souls, for they know who I am and they know what I stand for. Their soul-lives and soul-breaths at every moment are for me, for me, for me. Your outer life may not be for me. It may be for yourself, for other human beings, for your career or something else. But your soul has a breath, Eternity’s Breath. Your soul’s breath is for me, for me, for me, only for me. Therefore, how grateful I am to your souls, how proud I am of your souls, you cannot imagine. It is far beyond your imagination the love, devotion and surrender that your souls have for me, for they know who I am and who they are. They are my supremely chosen instruments. In your souls is my life-breath.
I am begging each and every one of you to give me the opportunity and to give me the assurance to be inside your life-breath at every moment. I have you inside my heart. Unfortunately, some of you do not have me inside your heart. If you see me and feel me, my living presence, inside your heart, you will not be able to do even one thing wrong, discouraging or displeasing. The moment you do not feel my living presence or my nectar-smile, the moment you fail to see me inside your heart, alas, alas, you fall victim to self-doubt, lack of faith, frustration and other undivine forces.
I am telling you, I see inside you the living Presence of my Lord Beloved Supreme. Him I see and Him I feel at every moment inside you. Therefore, at every moment I am dealing with my own Guru inside your heart. Please feel my smile, my tears, my gratitude, my pride in you.
How many good things you have done for me over the years! I will not be able to count how many good things you have done for me. I am requesting all of you only to think of how many good things you have done for me, not how many good things I have done for you. I am begging all of you to think of how many good things you have done for me since you joined the path. Think of how many ways you have pleased me, how many ways you have loved me, how many ways you have served me, how many ways you have fulfilled me over the years. You will be so proud of yourself. Right from the day you joined our path, try to remember the special ways you have offered your love, devotion and surrender. Think of my oneness-divinity with your heart, with your life, with your soul. Then any discouraging forces that have now become part and parcel of your life are bound to disappear, for your golden moments are the most pleasing fragrance-perfume in your life and in my life. Forget about how many good things I have done for you. I am only telling you to remember and to count in how many ways you have pleased me over the years. Then all your divine qualities once more will come forward.
Do not think, even for a second, about whether you have disappointed me in any way inwardly or outwardly. I am begging you to take the positive side. Think in how many hundreds and thousands of ways you have pleased me with your love, devotion and surrender. Only remember where, when and how. I assure you, you will be inundated with your own divinity. It is you who are going to prove that you are, without fail, my supremely chosen instruments. You are not only for yourselves; you are for the entire Creation of our Lord Beloved Supreme. God the Creator is inside you, and He wants you to serve and fulfil God the Creation around you.
My dear ones, I am inspired and I shall remain inspired. I do hope my inspiration-light, which I have just now brought down from the highest Heaven to offer to you, has entered into you, and you have become a totally different person from this moment. I am a beggar for your smiling heart radiating on your face and from your eyes. The eternal beggar in me wants you to be happy, divinely happy, supremely happy, so that your happiness radiates on your face and from your eyes. From your outer life, it has to radiate all over the world to illumine the world.
I know who I am. Unfortunately, I cannot make you see and make you feel who you truly are, who you are to me, who you are to the Supreme. But if we work together, then I shall definitely be able to make you feel who you are to me and who I am to you. We need each other. I need you for the manifestation of the Supreme here on earth. You need me for the highest realisation. I will be known as the tree, and you will be known as the flowers and fruits. Immortality’s flowers and Immortality’s fruits I want to dedicate to aspiring humanity. Again, I am the bird and you are the wings.
Whatever I have said has gone very, very far, because it has entered into the Universal Consciousness. These words I get from the Transcendental Consciousness and I offer them to the Universal Consciousness. You are part and parcel of the Universal Consciousness, plus you are nearer than the nearest to me.
The most important thing I have said is for you to think of how many good things you have done for me. Only remember in how many ways you have shown your love, devotion and surrender to the Supreme in me. Think how readily, happily, cheerfully, willingly and eagerly you have pleased me over the years. You will be so proud of yourself. Just try to remember those golden moments. It will take a few months to count them! All your depression, frustration, feelings of uselessness and other negative qualities will disappear. Any kinds of spiritual fevers that you may have now, which are making you absolutely miserable and paralysed in the spiritual life, will disappear. You will no longer remain inside the dry, barren mental desert that you have been walking through, or the thick forest that you have created for yourself. You will come back again to your own heart-garden. Again you will be able to run faster than the fastest.
And also try to feel my presence. The way I feel your presence inside me, inside my heart, I want you to feel my presence inside your heart at every moment.
By remembering how many good things you have done for me, I shed tears of gratitude. I swim in the sea of my gratitude-tears. In how many countless ways you have served the Supreme in me, loved the Supreme in me and fulfilled the Supreme in me! Those are your possessions, your own divinity-manifestations.
Published in Live in the Eternal Now
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1995
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord!
“My child, My child, My child!”My Lord, my Supreme Lord, my only Lord!
This year my heart’s streaming gratitude-tears have given me the unimaginable capacity to place at Your Forgiveness-Feet the sweet bloom of my love, the pure blossom of my devotion and the true fragrance of my surrender.“My child, My Infinity’s Dream-child, My Immortality’s Reality-child, this year I shall grow in you with My unfailing Newness Hope-Sky and I shall shine through you with My rising Fulness-Promise-Sun.”
My Lord, I am perfect only when I have Your Happiness-Heart as my sleepless Companion.
“My child, I am complete only when I have your oneness-life as My breathless companion.”My Lord, my only Lord, this year to You, only to You,
I shall offer My Victory’s crown.
“My child, you, only you, are My Victory’s Throne.”— Sri Chinmoy
On December 1, 1994, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert/New Year’s Concert at St. Paul the Apostle Church in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1996
This is the year of the soul’s dream-bloom-surprises and the heart’s reality-blossom-astonishments.
The helplessness of the mind is nowhere. The hopelessness of the heart is nowhere. The uselessness of the life is nowhere.
The readiness of the inspiration-world-mind says to God: “Lord, I shall come.” The willingness of the aspiration-world-heart says to God: “Lord, I am coming.” The eagerness of the dedication-world-life says to God: “Lord, I am come.”
God blessingfully and proudly asks the real God-dreamer-mind to sing, the real God-lover-heart to dance, and the real God-server-life to smile and fly, fly and smile.
— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy recites the New Year’s Prayer
This recitation by Sri Chinmoy was recorded at a Peace Concert dedicated to the United Nations in 1995. It appears on the CD, ‘My Prayerful Salutations to the United Nations, Part 9-10’.
Duration: 3:07 minutes
Sri Chinmoy held his annual New Year’s Meditation and Peace Concert at Manhattan’s St. Paul the Apostle Church on December 7, 1995.
Remarks about the New Year’s Message
December 31, 1995
Sri Chinmoy gave a talk to his students at the Meikles Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Sri Chinmoy reads the New Year’s Message:
Some of you may think that “the soul’s dream-bloom-surprises” and “the heart’s reality-blossom-astonishments” are only beautiful words, very pleasing to the ear. But I wish to say that these are most powerful manifestations of my high, higher, highest vision. “The soul’s dream-bloom-surprises” and “the heart’s reality-blossom-astonishments” are not just poetic words meant only to please our ears or eyes. These are realities that are trying to manifest themselves in our heart of aspiration.
Bloom and blossom
Whenever the soul gives us something, it gives it to us as a single unit. It is like those Russian dolls in which two, three, four or five dolls fit inside each other. You open up one big doll only to find another doll inside it. I gave President Gorbachev and his wife a special Russian doll like that. If you see it from outside, there is only one doll. But if you look inside, you will find many others.
The soul gives us one good quality, but inside that good quality there are many other good qualities. In order to find these other good qualities, we have to look at the soul’s gift from this side and that side; we have to examine it very carefully, thoroughly and lovingly. Only then will we see that the soul has put many, many other divine qualities inside the one divine quality that it has given to us. When the gift blossoms, we will see the petals: one, two, three, four — like that.
Surprises and astonishments
There is a difference between a surprise and an astonishment. Something that is surprising our memory keeps inside our consciousness for a long time. It remains either inside our eyes or inside our head. But an astonishment penetrates our inner being. It goes deep within us and touches something deeper — a deeper existence. There it may remain in a subtle form for a few years or forever, or it may eventually disappear. So this is the difference: surprise remains in the earth-atmosphere, but astonishment goes deeper.
Most of you think that I am saying the New Year is only an encouraging year. But not all the surprises that occur will be positive ones. They can also come in a negative way. If you want to make a comparison, definitely more of the surprises will be inspiring, encouraging, enlightening and illumining. But there will also be a few very, very sad surprises.
Also, when I use the word “surprise,” some of you may think I am referring mainly to outer events. You may think, “Oh, some governments that have been undivine for many years will now become divine, or some Presidents or national leaders will become either absolutely divine or absolutely undivine.” When you think of surprises, you think of world events — of something the entire world will come to know or of something that will awaken the world or send shock waves through the world.
But since we are spiritual people, real surprises for us have to do with our spiritual progress. There are some disciples who unfortunately have not been doing well for the past 10 or 15 years. They have not been doing well according to their souls’ satisfaction or according to the Satisfaction of the Supreme. The love, devotion and surrender that for many years they had been receiving from their inner life, unfortunately, they have lost. Those divine qualities are buried in oblivion. But this year most of those disciples will be given the golden opportunity to bring forward their divine qualities again. This year, to their own surprise, even if they do not work hard to bring forward their divine qualities, still the love, the devotion and the surrender that they once had in their spiritual life will come back — even if it is unconsciously.
If they tried to do something great and good over the past four or five years but failed to succeed, this year they are going to succeed. This year they will receive a very, very extraordinary Grace from our Lord Beloved Supreme to conquer the weaknesses that prevented them from regaining or increasing their love for the Supreme, their devotion to the Supreme and their surrender to the Supreme’s Will. Even if they were unwilling to surrender to the Supreme’s Will, this year some of them will do so willingly, happily and cheerfully.
Again, there will be a few unfortunate disciples who will get malicious pleasure — not only unconsciously but also consciously — in standing against light. If light is descending from above, you may wonder how seekers can revolt. But it is possible; in fact, it has been happening throughout the centuries. Why? When the light descends, if the vital is not reasonably pure, the vital sees that light as darkness. If the vital is very impure, even if you bring down the highest, brightest light, the vital’s impurity will see this light according to its own standard — as something dark. Again, if the vital has purity, even inside pitch darkness it will see light. (Of course, inside darkness there is light in very small measure.) So, in the cases of these unfortunate disciples, the vital will not only fail to receive the light, but it will actually become worse, and the disciples’ spiritual life will descend considerably. Either they will suffer on the path or they will leave the path and try to find happiness elsewhere.
The vital becomes impure when an individual cherishes wrong thoughts and wrong feelings, when he or she cherishes insecurity, jealousy and so forth. These reasons you know. But on the material plane, the vital also becomes impure when it deals with material power, mainly money-power. People who have a lot of money face additional problems in trying to keep their minds pure. That is why Sri Ramakrishna and other spiritual Masters were of the opinion that money-power immediately corrupts human beings. Jesus Christ said it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, which is absolutely true. Wealthy people have to be very careful with regard to their money when they enter into the spiritual life.
This year, if wealthy people do not surrender to the divine light and the divine purpose, then they are bound to misuse their money-power. If they try to make more money from the stock market, or horse races or God knows what this year, they have to be very careful. I am advising people not to get involved in gambling this year. If they try to become very, very rich by investing and other risky methods, this year their surprise may come in a negative, very shocking way.
If you do not want to use your money for a divine purpose or for manifestation, no harm. If you want to hold on to your money, then hold on to it; keep it for yourself. But do not try to increase your money-power by doing the things that have brought you more money over the years. If you do, your problems will increase like anything because this year material wealth will stand in the way of your aspiration. So if you try to become rich this year, you may become the very unfortunate loser.
The helplessness of the mind is nowhere.
For the last 10 or 15 years, some disciples or seekers have been doing things wrong — unconsciously or consciously, willingly or unwillingly. Each time an individual does something wrong, he or she tries to muster the courage and determination not to do it again. But again and again, that person does it. Then, after doing the same wrong thing hundreds of times, they come to feel that it is impossible to stop doing it. The individual feels totally helpless, and he or she gives up.
For so many years you have been cursing your mind because it is so weak. But this year, if you try to discipline your mind, you will not be helpless. This year you can get enough strength in the mind to do the right thing and to become the right person. For everything there is a choice hour. Just as early in the morning is the best time for meditation, even so this year can be an extremely, extremely good year if you utilise each day in a prayerful, soulful way. In other years, even if you were exerting 70 per cent of your capacity, you became frustrated because you did not get the results you expected. But this year, I am assuring you, if you can exert even 20 per cent of your capacity — which is your readiness, willingness and eagerness — then your love, devotion and surrender will definitely increase.
These three divine qualities embody everything. Inside love is everything, inside devotion is everything, inside surrender is everything. Surrender is the top of the tree. If you can increase your surrender, if you can climb up to the topmost branch, then easily you can climb down to the middle of the tree, which is devotion, and to the foot of the tree, which is love. Again, if love is strong, then you will have the energy, dynamism, enthusiasm and eagerness to climb to devotion. Then, when you have come to the devotion-level and have very intense eagerness to do the right thing and become the right person, then easily you can climb up to surrender.
The hopelessness of the heart is nowhere.
After trying repeatedly to discipline the mind and failing, the heart feels it is a hopeless case. The heart itself becomes all hopelessness. Once you feel helpless and hopeless, at that time you give up everything. But this year you do not have to suffer in this way. To your helplessness-mind and hopelessness-heart you have to say, “I am going to strengthen you. I will bring from within my own inner power to make you strong, because I need you as my instruments.” Then you will transform your helpless mind and hopeless heart into divine instruments that you can use for your own spiritual progress.
The uselessness of the life is nowhere.
When the mind becomes helpless and the heart becomes hopeless, naturally the life becomes useless. After repeatedly failing every day for several years, we come to feel that our life is useless. We say, “I shall not try anymore because I know I will fail.” But this year no failure, no failure! Just use 20 per cent of your capacity and you shall regain the intense love, devotion and surrender that you cherished for years and years.
This is the year of surprises for all the disciples. You will say, “How did I get back my love? How did I get back my devotion? How did I get back my surrender? I do not know what I have done.” It is all because of extra Grace; it is because unsolicited, unconditional Grace has descended. I assure you, if you again want to have all your love, devotion and surrender, you are bound to regain it.
But if you do not control your vital, if you do not keep your vital reasonably pure, then you wilt not be able to accept the Grace when it is descending. Something will make you feel that the Grace is not something you need or want. But if you can keep your vital pure, you will see miracle after miracle occurring in your life. If you have been doing something wrong for years and years, and suddenly you stop doing it, is that not a miracle? If you can gain back your purest love, purest devotion and purest unconditional surrender, is this not a miracle? Again, if you have been doing something good for years and years, and this year you increase it, is this not also a miracle?
The readiness of the inspiration-world-mind says to God. ‘Lord, I shall come’.
Inside readiness is inspiration. If you are ready, then inspiration comes. Previously, there was no readiness. For the past 11 years, what I call the real readiness of the mind was missing; there was no readiness in the mind, therefore inspiration did not come to the fore. But now, that readiness is here.
The willingness of the aspiration-world-heart says to God, ‘Lord, I am coming’.
This year is also bringing willingness and eagerness. Readiness, willingness and eagerness: these three divine qualities are at our disposal. They are knocking and knocking at our heart’s door. Previously there was no readiness, willingness, or eagerness. The world had lost these divine qualities. Since we are part and parcel of the world, when the world loses something, we also lose that thing. Again, if we lose something, the world loses the same thing. For the last 11 years something has been wrong in the aspiration of the world and the aspiration of the disciples and seekers. For the last 11 years the divine forces were losing ground, and the hostile forces were gaining.
But now, with our help, the divine forces can gain ground again. Our best way of helping is to feel that we want and we need the divine forces. There are many things in life that we want but do not need. Again, there are many things we need but do not want. During the past 11 years we needed many divine things, but we did not want them. But this year we can once more feel that we both need and want them. We want to possess them, and we want them to possess us.
God blessingfully and proudly asks the real God-dreamer-mind to sing. the real God-lover-heart to dance, and the real God-server-life to smile and fly, fly and smile.
We are all God-lovers. But the real God-dreamers, the real God-lovers and the real God-servers are those who can claim that they belong to God and nobody else. If you are a real God-dreamer, a real God-lover and a real God-server, you have to convince your body, vital, mind and heart that you belong to God only. You have to repeat this hundreds and thousands of times. And each time you say it, you have to have the conviction that you do belong to God alone.
When we do something divine, not only the subtle parts of our being, but even the gross physical is elevated. When we do something for God happily and cheerfully, even our physical being goes up high, higher, highest. Here ‘God’ means our own divine life. There is no separation between our divine life and God; they are like the flower and its fragrance. So when we do something for our divine life, at that time our physical — which is the foundation of our spiritual life — flies and transcends. Along with the heart and soul, it sings the song of self-transcendence.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1997
The slow and long years of humanity’s hope-heart shall begin to transform into humanity’s fulfilment-life.
The beauty of world-peace was a sweet dream.
The fragrance of world-peace shall begin to become a fruitful reality.
At long last the body shall offer its readiness, the vital shall offer its willingness, the mind shall offer its eagerness and the heart shall offer its oneness to the soul’s God-Light-Manifestation and God-Delight-Satisfaction-tasks here on earth.
Earth’s heart is smiling.
Heaven’s Heart is singing.
Earth’s breath is singing.
Heaven’s breath is dancing.I am saying to my Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme: “Father, my Father, I now have You.”
My Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme is saying to me: “Child, my Child, you now I am.”
— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered his annual New Year’s Message at his Peace Concert at Hunter College in Manhattan on 7 December 1996, calling 1997 an inner turning point in humanity’s progress toward world peace.
“The slow and long years of humanity’s hope-heart shall begin to transform into humanity’s fulfilment-life,” he said. “The beauty of world peace was a sweet dream. The fragrance of world peace shall begin to become a fruitful reality.”
Published in Anahata Nada, Vol. 26, November 1996-March 1997
New Year’s Eve Meditation
Filmed and edited by Mridanga Spencer
On New Year’s Eve — 31 December 1996 — while in Japan, Sri Chinmoy holds a seven-minute meditation with his students until the fireworks start for the New Year. In response to the noise from a nearby party, Sri Chinmoy gives a particular concentration exercise to help deal with the outer disturbance.
New Year’s Day Prayer
Composed by Sri Chinmoy
on 1 January 1997 in Takamatsu, Japan
May the beauty of the New Year
Beautify my heart.
May the purity of the New Year
Purify my mind.
May the simplicity of the New Year
Simplify my vital.
May the intensity of the New Year
Intensify my body.
May the responsibility of the New Year
Glorify my life.
May only the divinity of the New Year
Fully satisfy me.
Published in My Sweet Father-Lord, Where are You?
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1998
Peace, Peace,
My Peace is not the end of world wars.
My Peace is not the end of world-suffering.
My Peace is not the end of world ignorance.Peace, Peace,
My Peace is the blooming beauty of my heart.
My Peace is the blossoming fragrance of my soul.
My Peace is my sleepless and breathlessONENESS
With the Will
of my Absolute Lord
Beloved Supreme.— Sri Chinmoy
On December 2, 1997, Sri Chinmoy offered a Peace Concert/New Year’s Meditation at Washington Irving High School in New York, NY, USA.
Sri Chinmoy set music to the New Year’s Message on December 1, 1997.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 1999
My Lord Beloved Absolute Supreme
The sweet beginning of a new-dream-life —
The pure blooming of a new-hope-heart —
The sure blossoming of a new-promise-soul —Humanity’s self-discovery-boat shall ply
Earth’s newness-cry-shore
Heaven’s Fulness-Smile-Shore.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offered his message for the New Year at his Peace Concert on 1 December 1998, at Norman Thomas High School in New York.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2000
The Absolute Lord Supreme
Tells the confusion-mind of the world:
“Take My Sadness-Heart and Madness-Eye
As the last and urgent Warning.
Come back Home immediately!”The Beloved Lord Supreme
Tells the aspiration-heart of the world:
“In you is
My World-Transformation-Hope-Dream,
With you is
My Self-Transcendence-Vision-Manifestation-Promise
And for you is
My Smile-Beauty-Fragrance-Presence.”The Year Two Thousand
Is a decision-examination for humanity:
We bind and blind the old world, and retire
We embrace the new world of the forward march.
The Smile of the Beyond
Is beckoning us
To come and play hide-and-seek.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offers his message for the New Year at his Peace Concert on 30 November 1999, at Martin Luther King, Jr. High School in New York.
• In 1999, Sri Chinmoy’s book, The New Millennium, was published by Agni Press in New York. It contains poetry and songs dedicated to the New Millennium.
• On 27 December 1999, in Curitiba, Brazil, Sri Chinmoy gives some illumining answers to questions about the New Millennium. He discussed its meaning ... God’s Hour ... newness ... and the words of the New Year’s Message.
• On New Year’s Day, 1 January 2000, Sri Chinmoy composes a Bengali song about the New Year.
• In New York, on 13 July 2000, Sri Chinmoy is interviewed by the Italian magazine Armonia during which he was asked if he had a special wish for the New Millennium.
Sri Chinmoy: “My only wish in this New Millennium is to see everybody happy — happy while looking at the world, happy while helping the world, happy in becoming a true citizen of the world for the tremendous evolution and progress of mankind.”

He Param Pita Nutan Barashe
Bengali lyrics
He param pita nutan barashe karibo na kabhu bhul
Ami habo ek tomar hiyar sudha swapaner phul
English translation
O my Absolute Father Supreme,
In the New Year I shall make no mistake.
I shall be a flower of Your Heart’s Nectar-Dream.
Published in Giti Mala, song no. 192
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2001
Uncertainty-supremacy assails the world.
God’s secret and sacred Will
In the world of the unknowable prevails.The New Millennium is humanity’s unhorizoned
Divinity’s most glorious earth-blossom-discovery.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy held his annual New Year’s Meditation and Peace Concert on November 18, 2000, at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in Manhattan, New York.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2002
O Pilot of the New Year-Boat,
Do give my heart a new hope,
My life a new promise
And me a new assurance
That You are going to take me
To Your Golden Shore.
Published in My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, Part 11
Sri Chinmoy composed this poem about the New Year in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on January 1, 2002.
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2003
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
May each and every
Human being of the
World please You, only
You, in your own Way
in the Year 2003.— Sri Chinmoy
New Year’s Eve Meditation
with Sri Chinmoy
in Christchurch, New Zealandl
Filmed and edited by Kedar MIsani
Sri Chinmoy meditates with his students on New Year’s Eve — 31 December 2002 — in Christchurch, New Zealand. The same day, Sri Chinmoy composes an English song to herald the New Year.
Published in Enthusiasm, Part 5, song no. 26
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2004
The Year 2004
My prayerful message:At the end of a very long and
uncertain Ignorance-flooded
the Beauty of a New Hope and
the Ecstasy of a New Promise
shall unmistakably blossom.— Sri Chinmoy
Listen to Sri Chinmoy reciting his New Year’s message...
Sri Chinmoy offers a concert for the New Year in New York on 3 November 2003. Sri Chinmoy begins the concert by singing one of his favourite songs – Ami Jabo. After thirteen different musical performances, Sri Chinmoy concludes by offering his New Year’s Message for 2004. Listen to the complete concert at Sri Chinmoy Radio...

On 11 November 2003, Sri Chinmoy composes the following song.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year, happy New Year,
Happy, happy, happy New Year!
My heart and I shall know
No, no, no, no, no tear.
Published in Enthusiasm, Part 8, song no. 99
On New Year’s Eve, 31 December 2003, Sri Chinmoy composed an English song to herald the New Year.
Smiling, the Breath of the New Year
Smiling, the breath of the New Year
Has just entered into my heart
And has given me three spiritual names:
Excitement, enlightenment and fulfilment.
Published in Enthusiasm, part 7, song no. 16
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2005
The New Year
Is the year of the
Life-Fulfilment.— Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy offers the New Year’s Message on 1 January 2005. On the same day, he composes an English song and a Bengali song about the New Year.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, happy New Year,
Be brave, be brave,
No fear, no fear.Happy New Year, happy New Year,
Go forward, fly upward, dive inward,
No fear, no fear.Happy New Year, happy New Year,
God the Eye you claim,
God the Heart you claim,
And God the Life you claim.
Claim, claim, claim, claim God
No fear, no fear.Happy New Year, happy New Year.
I shall be my God-hope-joy.
I shall be my God-promise-fulfiller.
No fear, no fear.
Nabin Barashe Asim Harashe
Nabin barashe asim harashe jagiya utheche pran
Prabhure tushite jiban amar sabare karibo dan
Prayers for the New Year
by Sri Chinmoy
very early in the morning
in Qingdao, China
31 December 2004
The new year bravely
Wakes up.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
Be brave, be brave!
No fear, no fear!
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
Go forward,
Fly upward,
Dive inward!
No fear, no fear!
Happy New Year!
God the Eye you claim,
God the Heart you claim
And God the Life you claim.
Claim, claim, claim, claim God.
No fear, no fear!
1 January 2005
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year!
I shall be my God-hope-joy,
I shall be my God-promise-fulfiller.
No fear, no fear!
Published in My Early Morning Prayer-Journeys, part 2
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2006
My Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme,
Please tell me what is going to happen
In this New Year.
“My child, keep quiet.
With My Transcendental Vision,
I shall give humanity
A new hope,
A new promise
A new receptivity-acceptance of life.
All the aspiring human beings here on earth
Must join Me.
I shall succeed.
I am bound to succeed.”
— Sri Chinmoy
On December 6, 2005, Sri Chinmoy wrote the following Bengali song about the New Year. The score is currently unavailable, however the lyrics are displayed below.
Bipul Harashe Nabin Barashe Jagiche Moder
Bipul harashe nabin barashe jagiche moder pran
Banglar pran ek hok aji subishal sumahan
Khandita nahe banga hriday rayeche bishwa priti
Gupta danab brukuti moder parane kagai bhranta bhiti
Tamasi rajani haye jabe bhor udibe tapan purbachale
Sonar bangla amar bangla jagibe amar amita bale
Naba barasher hriday gabhire rayeche gopane mukti asha
Chira adrita arjya rishir phire pabo mora mauna bhasha
Published in Sundaratama Dekha Dilo Aji, part 1
New Year’s Day Prayer
by Sri Chinmoy
in Kuantan, Malaysia
1st January 2006
My Lord,
On New Year’s Day
You are watching
The blooming New Year
With such Compassion, Concern,
Sweetness and Fondness.
May each and every human being
Place at Your Feet
A garland of gratitude,
Gratitude and gratitude,
My Lord, my Lord,
My Lord Supreme!
Published in My Early Morning Heart-Climbing Prayers
Sri Chinmoy’s New Year’s Message for 2007
A blue-gold hope-bird is flying
In the heart-sky of humanity.The Golden Shore is beckoning
The blooming God-life-seekers
The blossoming God-heart-lovers.Before long, the world-mind-uncertainty
Will be buried in oblivion.Before long, the world-heart-certainty
Shall start reigning supreme.The mind’s power-drum is surrendering
To the sweetness-flute of the heart.The oneness-peace-realities shall devour
The world-division-hunger-dreams.— Sri Chinmoy
During his lifetime, Sri Chinmoy’s annual New Year’s Message became a tradition. Usually offered in conjunction with a public meditation or concert in the months of November or December, Sri Chinmoy would recite a special message for the coming New Year.
Here, for the first time, is the entire collection of New Year’s Messages from 1966 to 2007, together with Sri Chinmoy’s own comments, photographs from the public meditations, and songs composed. Wherever possible, original recordings of Sri Chinmoy reciting his New Year’s Messages, as well as videos of some of his special New Year’s Eve meditations, have also been included.