H. is our preparation. H. is our aspiration. H. prepares [us] for the unknown; aspiration for the Unknowable. Unknown is man’s ultimate achievement. Unknowable is God’s Eternal Now.
Hope is an inner effort to see something new, to feel something new, to say something new, to do something new, to learn something [new]. When I smile I see something new. When I cry I feel s. new. When I pray I say something [new]. When I meditate I do something new. When I surrender I become something new. My newness is my self-transcendence. My self-transcendence is God’s pride; God's pride and gratitude.
2. H. nourishes faith. Faith treasures hope. Hope dreams of God-beauty in God-Reality. Faith dreams of dreams of God-Reality and God-Beauty. H. pulls the heart of tomorrow into today’s body. Faith pushes today’s body into the heart of tomorrow. When Tomorrow’s heart enters into today’s body the earth-aspiration is crowned with success. When today’s body enters into tomorrow’s heart Heaven’s vision is crowned with success. Earth-success is the victory of God’s Compassion-Will. Heav.-success is the victory of God’s aspiration-will.
3. To hope is to see with the eye of the heart. To hope is to make the heart captain of the mind, vital and heart.
To hope is to send darkness-life into exile. To hope is to feed the inner sun to give birth to the outer sun. The inner sun is, the outer sun becomes. The inner sun is the silence-height of God. The outer sun is the sound-length of God.
4. My h. [hope] is my humility's light and my h. [humility's] light is my divinity’s birthright. My d. [divine] birthright is God’s Eternity’s height, Infinity’s delight and Immortality’s life.
5. Humanity is forced humility. D. [Divinity] is spontaneous beauty.
Humility is God’s satisfaction-beauty in man. Humility is man’s perfection-necessity in God.
The above draft formed the basis of Sri Chinmoy’s lecture, entitled ‘Divine hope’, which he delivered at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland on 28 June 1974. The lecture was subsequently published in My Rose Petals, Part 3, by Agni Press in 1974.