Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, Indian poet, philosopher and spiritual leader of AUM centres in the United States and Jamaica, is scheduled to arrive in Tokyo Sunday evening by PAA for a 15-day visit.

Born in Bengal, he went to the U.S. five years ago and established centres for the study of spiritual philosophy and yoga in New York, Kingston, Jamaica, Miami and San Juan.

This is his first visit to Japan.

Published in ASAHI EVENING NEWS, Tokyo, Japan, October 18, 1969




UN delegate stuns weight‑lift world


NEW YORK — Sri Chinmoy is well-known at the United Nations, but not exactly for what he probably does best.

Better recognized for his tireless work for world peace, Chinmoy startled his colleagues recently by hoisting an automobile loaded with five of his students altogether weighing 4,422 pounds using only his calf muscles.

It was his way of celebrating another weight-lifting feat he had accomplished earlier that morning: lifting 400 pounds with one arm.

The 55-year-old muscle man who weighs in at a slender 160 pounds has until recently been better known as a writer, composer, painter and marathon runner in addition to his leading peace meditations for the delegates and staff at the United Nations.

He took up weight lifting to demonstrate how meditation and spiritual practice can be effectively applied to virtually any field.

When he began 15 months ago, he could barely lift 40 pounds. He began calf-lift training in June of this year with 400 pounds weights, and quickly moved up to 1000 pounds and then 1500 pounds. His recent car lift was held for seven seconds and done in a park in Queens, New York.

Chinmoy’s rapid progress has astonished the weightlifting world. Bill Pearl, five times “Mr. Universe”, for example calls him, “truly unique and special.”

Earlier this summer, Pearl and several power lifting celebrities visited Sri Chinmoy in New York for a two-day celebration honoring his first year of weight lifting.

Published in The Afro-American, BALTIMORE, MD, OCTOBER 18, 1986