Reykjavik, Iceland's capital city, is dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital.



With their dedication to the inseparable goals of peace and freedom, the people of Reykjavik speedily and most effectively united two superpower heads of state in 1986. Smallest in size, this modern capital of an ancient and extraordinary, ever-changing land has proved to be broadest in vision: the vision of a world of peace and freedom for all. From its pinnacle-summit position near the cap of the globe, casting its wisdom-flooded gaze upon East and West through the pristine purity of nature’s crystalline atmosphere, Reykjavik, at once new and timeless, bravely voices forth the message of world oneness.

Thus, as a confident harbinger of a new and illumining era, Reykjavik proudly becomes today a SRI CHINMOY PEACE CAPITAL. In so doing, Reykjavik joins Ottawa, Canada, and Canberra, Australia, as Peace Capitals — three of the most distinguished of the 500 Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossoms throughout the world.

The Peace-Blossoms are cities, monuments and special locations consecrated to peace, cooperation and good will among all peoples, embodying the unique qualities of the many cultures and terrains of the globe. They take their name from Sri Chinmoy, an international ambassador of peace who has dedicated his multifaceted creative energies to activities inspiring oneness among all members of the human family. On this auspicious occasion, the people of Reykjavik affirm their wholehearted dedication to the quest for universal peace and their support for the world-uniting efforts of Sri Chinmoy toward the attainment of this loftiest of all goals. 

Nature’s fragrance,
Minds flower
And Spirit’s tree

Peace is divinity’s blossoming Dream on Earth
Peace is humanity’s soaring Reality in Heaven

— Sri Chinmoy




Sri Chinmoy visits two of the five Canberra Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital signs that are placed at the road entrances to Australia’s capital city. The previous morning, Sri Chinmoy visited three of the signs.

Canberra was dedicated as Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital on 16 March 1995 by the Federal Minister for Sport Ros Kelly.