Sri Chinmoy completed another million soul-bird drawings on July 19, bringing his total to five million.

He began drawing these little birds four and a half years ago while on a trip to Malta. They represent images of the human soul in its various spiritual moods.

In the artist’s words: “These birds are a new creation, the creation that will sing the song of Immortality in the life of mortality. To me they represent new hope, new promise, new peace, new bliss and new perfection on earth.”

Upon hearing of the five million birds, Mother Teresa declared: “These five million birds are all God’s Work! God is doing all of this.”

Mikhail Gorbachev said, “With all my heart I congratulate you ... May your birds, into which you put your soul, make the world more ... beautiful.”

An exhibition of three million of these birds opened in a midtown Manhattan gallery in August.

Published in Anahata Nada, Volume 25 April-July 1996